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Life Is A Beautiful Thing That Was Given To Us . Ever Single Breath We Take . Every Move We Make , Is Special. Some People Taking It For Granted Thinking That There's Always Going To Be A Tomorrow . Thinking That The One's They Love Will Be There In The Morning. It's A Big World Out There And Many Things Can Happen Over Night . Over Those Simple 24 Hours . Life And Death . People Think Death Is Complicated But Some Others Think Your Hanging By A Single Thread . Life Is Hard But Death Is Easy .

I looked out at the window of the hospital bed as I started memorizing what the bright skies would look like , how the birds and the bees flew , and how they eat as the voice of the doctors echoed my head .  I was once again trap in the memory of my brought in . " You have a tumor and it's bigger than you can ever imagine . We can put you on some medicine but the tumor is way too big to operate on . There's nothing we can do " , I came back to reality as my mother rushed in to see my business , to see if I was fine . She held me tighter than ever . " What happened ? " . I explained to her what happened as I was ready to hand over my shift and blacked out .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2017 ⏰

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