"i'm sorry- i overslept."

i was fiddling with the lock as i added in,

"i needed my beauty sleep after all."

they all sighed. iwaizumi shot me a disapproving glare.

as soon as the match started, iwaizumi and i were in formation. past the net, i watched the captain who was also the ace line up in front. the setter was missing.

"where's your setter, haruka?"

the captain shrugged in reply.

"she usually arrives late."

on cue, a girl came rushing into the gym.

the doll-like figure.
the short blonde hair.
the deep azure colored eyes.
it was her.

it was the girl i was searching for all along.

"haruka, you wouldn't believe who i saw at-"

elise gradually stopped talking as she noticed me.

"what the hell are you doing here, tiny wiener man?"

haruka's lips formed a slight twinkle because of elise's insult; i saw her take a quick glance down there.

"i'm the captain of the boys' team. and you are?"

i paused. excitement filled my smile as i proceeded with my wonderful comeback,

"oh, wait--"

i flipped out her ID card and squinted,

"elese? eelsee? ilise?"

i jokingly mispronounced her name. she came plodding over, her rosy cheeks puffed, ready to spew.

snatching the card from my hands, she opened her mouth,

"at least i don't have a dick. and even if i did i bet it would be bigger than yours,"

the entire boys' team erupted into chaos. they lost it.

the girls' team stood speechless, i caught on that most of them had gotten to experience my flaming hot cheeto firsthand.

feeling the humiliation bubbling up within me, i retaliated to gain some sense of pride back.

"at least i'm good-looking. even a piece of shit wouldn't find you attractive,"

the boys were bouncing off the walls at this point.

she turned pink.
elise was defeated.

i felt-

out of the discord came iwaizumi; he was fuming.

oh, damn.

i mustered up a great big cheesy grin for him,

"iwa-chan, how nice of you to finally come get rid of the rodents in here-
ouch, hajime, that hurts! stop it!"

he was pulling me by the ear at that point.

his true mom colors were showing.

"what the hell was that? getting into a fight with a girl? what are you, like twelve?"

iwaizumi fiercely yelled as we walked towards the dorms.

"i'm not too far off i suppose--"

my voice trailed off, i didn't want him to get more ticked off than he really was. i mean we had to cancel practice because of me, i probably should feel some sort of remorse, but i-

i loved every moment of it.

even while he was putting the key in the lock for the dorm, he yelled.

this is the worst.

i plopped down on the sofa, staring off into space; iwaizumi was in the bedroom, still cursing.

"i wonder if she's still bothered. i hope i hit her hard." (with my flaming hot cheeto)

speculating her demise, i wasn't aware that iwaizumi had gotten comfy next to me. his eyebrows were still furrowed as he frowned at me.

"who was that girl, anyways? seems like you're really buddy-buddy with her."

i jumped, my interest piqued by his question.

"iwa-chan, are you jelly?"

iwaizumi's face suddenly twisted.
he wasn't mad anymore.
it was-
i've known him my whole life and i've never seen this side of him before.

he leaned in close, our noses practically touched,

"and what if i am?"

iwaizumi closed the gap between our lips.

he kissed me.


amy: i prefer puffy cheetos ;))))

ash: ^

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