you did what ?

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Yuki's p.o.v

Me and Raven we  did it last night i  thought i heard  noises outside the door maybe it was my imagination  we had a shower and went down stairs i greeted mum and summer for some reason mum was giggling at raven as he sat down next to me.

I wondered  about why she was giggling i froze when she asked "did you have a nice time yesterday night summer told me all about it"  Summer came down and ruffled mine and ravens hair "thanks alot for giving me a nosebleed yesterday i could hear you all the way from my room you were so loud" she said as if  it was a good thing.

I'm just glad she didn't walk in on us that  would of been terrible wait she was the one makeing noises outside the door  "Summer you little evesdropper  you couldn't of heard us all the way from your room" I said "why?" she asked " I heared you near are door last night you sat down listening to us so it's your own fault if you got a nosebleed" i said she blushed i had caught her out.

"Yuki is the uke" she screamed "shut up i don't really give a fuck" i screamed back Raven chuckled at me and summers arugument  then me and Summer began to laugh too

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