The Academy

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Athens pov
I heaved a big sigh as I walked up to the  prestigious Cross Academy.

Well the night class was prestigious...

As I walked up to the Academy I looked around at my surroundings.

The Academy was actually quite beautiful,breathtaking really.

'Hopefully I won't end up with a room mate' I thought,as I walked up to the big doors,behind them revealing the mysterious and prestigious Cross Academy.

I pushed open the big doors and closed them behind me softly.

I took in everything as I was searching to find the headmasters office.

The hardwood mahogany floors had a long velvet Crimson rug placed on top of it leading onwards into a never ending hallway.

The walls were painted a deep Irish green,with paintings so beautiful you would think you were in a art museum lining  the walls.

Chandelier type lights hanged from the ceiling begging for as much attention as possible.

Not to mention massive windows showing you the world beyond,had velvet Crimson colored curtains on them.

I continued on the never ending path to find the headmasters office almost losing track of time it's self.

I groaned in frustration.

I have been looking for the headmasters office for almost a damn bloody hour.

This Academy is like a spiderweb...

At this point having exhausted all my options and hope of even reaching my destination I stared out the big looming Windows.

The sky was starting to set and was now full of lush colors all across the horizon begging for the attention of anyone who dared to look.

"Hey your so pose to be in your dorm!?!?!?! I'm going to have to report you! You must come with me!!! " a shrilled high pitch voice shrieked at me causing me to cringe.

I'm not a people person. -_-

"Actually I'm a new student. I got here awhile ago,but I couldn't find the damn headmasters office." I said back not bothering to even look at whom was behind me.

"That's what they all say! You should try harder than that if your going to try to lie to me!" The voice informed me in a bitchy tone.

I feel like my ears are being assaulted and now personally violated by this person.

I already have trouble sleeping at night and this person isn't helping.

I turned to give the person a blank stare.

It was a girl.

She had chocolate brown hair that reached her shoulders and matching chocolate brown eyes,she was flat chested,and Her skin had a slight tan to it,she also appeared to be wearing the school uniform.

I really don't like this girl.

I'll be damned if I'm stuck with her in any of my classes.

Or even worse as a roommate.


I sulked in my breath and treys to compose my self,"Listen kid I'm not a student sneaking out of bed".

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