Chapter 1

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"Dispatch we have a possible burglary in the kings cross area, closest unit please respond." The voice of our Senior Constable came over the speaker.

My partner and I had been sat outside a 7/11 on our break but seemed to also be the closest unit. My partner groans as I answer the call as are given the house number.

Putting our sirens on we sped toward our destination. Thankfully the part of Kings Cross we had to go to, wasn't the side with all the clubs and pubs and prostitutes but a descent area with lots of family homes.

I park outside the house number and turn of the sirens and the engine. Both my partner and I getting out of the car just in time to see a figure dressed in black running out the door with stolen goods in his arms. A lady standing by the door frame, the angle of the light making it impossible to make out her face.

I chase after the perp and tackle him quite effortlessly before handcuffing him and ready him his rights.

"Here, I've got him." My partner says.

"Thanks Dave." I say handing over the perp.

Dave doesn't really like taking statements. He likes catching the perps. I was just in the right place at the right time, I walk toward the lady, her purple silk robe wrapped around her so elegantly. When I get closer, I realise who I'm facing.

"Ms Carrie?" I ask, slightly unsure on whether my eyes were playing tricks.

"Laura Johnston." Ms Carrie says as she grins.

"It's been quite a while Ms." Ms Carrie rolled her eyes.

"Long enough for you not to call me Ms. Call me Arizona." I smile and nod.

"Do you mind if I take your statement?" I ask.

She nods and let's me into her house as my partner takes a statement off The perp. She starts to make her and myself coffee before I have time to protest.

After asking her all the questions I needed to, we sit in silence, drinking our coffee.

"So, a cop then?" She asks smirking.

"Yes, if I do say, partly your doing." I say with a smile.

"And how is that?" She asks.

"Your talk about working for legal aid in our Community studies class." I say smiling.

"I didn't think anyone actually paid attention." She ponders.

"With a teacher like you, it was hard not to." I say.

She smiles, her cheeks reddening slightly. I smile. Once my coffee is done, I check all the windows and doors in her house, making sure the locks were working, afterward, bidding my goodbyes before heading to my partner in the patrol car with our perp in the back.

"So you know her then? Dave asks.

"Funnily enough, yes. She is an old teacher of mine." I say with a smile.

"She's cute, you should have gotten her number." He says smirking. I blush, cursing the day I ever told him I was gay.

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