Chapter 1 : Schools out but so are the vampires

Start from the beginning

"I'm not like most guys" I said, while I smirked.

-Callies P.O.V-

Is Dylan trying to hit on me or something, this boy is a mystery but I like mysteries and I'm going to figure him out. He dropped his pen so we both reached to pick it up and I touched him and he was cold, I don't mean cold like snow I mean cold like frostbitten.

"You're so cold" I said.
He looked at me like he had been caught at something.

*Class finishes half hour later*

He had disappeared I didn't get to see him for the rest of the day. No idea where he went I got mad because I was going to confront him, but I needed a topic for my essay so I wrote about vampires and ancient history. Then, it occurred to me that Dylan might just be one of those vampires.

*After school*

"Callie I'm gonna miss you and your pretty little smile" said my friend Diana
"I'm coming back next year let's hope"
"I know but anyway, did you see the way that boy was looking at you?"
"What boy!?"
"Him" Diana pointed over across the parking lot and it was Dylan.
"Yeah give me a minute" I said.

I ran across the parking lot and confronted dylan, and he told me I had no idea and I'm just crazy and basically about to die if I keep talking to him which I wasn't backing down.
I went home.
My dad pulled me aside and said "did you do that essay? If not I'm sending you to your moms" I put him straight and said "yes, I got it done can you not worry as much as you do"

I ran upstairs and opened my laptop and Kelly came barging in and yelled at me!

"What is your filthy problem?" Kelly implied.
"Me, oh I don't have a problem says you barging in my room acting like you own my room" I got mad and attacked back.
"You and Dylan are like a thing now?"
"How do you even know who dylan is"
"Oh please it's all over twitter of you and Dylan getting up and personal"
"Me and Dylan? There is no me and Dylan he's another one of those lost boys who only talks to me cause he wants sex but in the case Dylan only wants to swipe the other way he doesn't want anything to do with me"

-Dylan's P.O.V-

Hearing callie she sounded mad at me because I told her to stay away, well I mean I like her but she can not get involved with a vampire. It's against the rules for her to even know. She and I can both die. I keep listening outside her window.

-Callies P.O.V-

"He likes you" Kelly said.
"Kelly shut up and leave, you don't know anything"
"You want me to talk to you, well I am and what I think you should do is go talk to him"
"I can't he doesn't want to see me"
"Well if that were true would he of followed you on twitter"
"Wait what? He did?"
"Yes sis"
"I don't care it doesn't change the fact that he is being a douchebag to me"
"Callie just contact him on twitter"

*twitter conversation*

Callie_Hastings41 : Hey it's me Callie, I just wanted to see if you wanted to maybe hangout sometime. I know you hate me but I wanna work past that cause I think you're pretty chill.

*days later*

Dylan6Garner: Hey, yes I remember you and yes I'd love to go out with you. Even though it should be me asking.

Callie_Hastings41: Hahah, Meet me at pinzandra in half an hour?

Dylan6Garner: Are you silly? I'm going to pick you up. Be fancy my darling.

Callie_Hastings41: Awe, Ok!

*Callie_Hastings41 is now offline*

Dylan arrived and when he saw me his eyes glowed not because he was a vampire but because I could tell the first sight love thing was happening and it was happening for me as well.
My dad came over and said "Who are you?" "I'm Dylan Garner and I'm taking your daughter out on a date and I promise to have her home in time for curfew"
"Are you?"
"Am I what"
"Taking my daughter out on a date"
"Yes sir"
"Ok, well I love you Callie! as for you Dylan whatever make sure she's back by 11"
"I love you dad"
"Thank you sir" said Dylan in excitement.

*At the restaurant*

"So you're a vampire" I accused.
"Keep your voice down"
"So you are"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2016 ⏰

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