VII. Drop It

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There was something about the still atmosphere that made you feel so at ease. Most of the time, staying locked up in your living quarters wasn't something you'd normally do, seeing as staying alone with your own mind was toxic... but now that you had something less harmful than bringing yourself down, you couldn't help but want to be in your room all day if that meant talking to Kylo.

So this is what I've succumbed to?

You still were persistent on keeping the feelings for him to a minimum, or at least on the down low as you didn't want to give it too much attention, but with how lighthearted these small conversations made you feel, it was difficult not to pay them any mind.

"As the captain of the Resistance, how is it possible that you have free time?" Kylo curiously asked as the hologram lit up in front of you in its blue glory.

Lying on your side on the bed as your head was propped up on your hand, your fingers danced along the cotton material of your sheets as the ambience grew glum around you. "I have the day off..." You stated without looking at the holo-pad.

Removing his lightsaber and placing it to a side as he removed his belt, Kylo could feel the sudden shift in your tone, looking over at the holo-pad and seeing your monotonous expression. "You're upset," he blatantly stated as you took in a deep breath and shook your head.

"No," giving him a halfhearted smile, Kylo's head tiled the slightest. "I'm fine..."

"Your tone says otherwise. You're in distress." Again with the straight-forward responses.

Letting out a small huff, you looked over at him. "It's scary how well you can read me when not even my best friends can..." Turning on your back, you lied there as you stared at the ceiling. "I've known you for over a month, yet you can read me like a book... I don't like it."

Looking down, Kylo took a seat in front of the holo-pad. "I'm sorry."

Smiling the slightest, you rubbed your eyes, "don't apologize. It just... irks me, knowing the enemy can read me well, what if you knew my true intentions?"

"If I did, I wouldn't do anything about it. I don't feel the need to harm you, even if we're at war." Letting out a huff of air, you shut your eyes. You hated how sincere and honest he had become. "And your true intentions have no affect on me, because you have no desire to hurt me, either."

Opening up your eyes, you knew he was right. "How can you read me so well? Not even Rey can..."

Hunching his back as Kylo rested his forearms on his knees, he felt a small smile tug at his lips. "I guess I care about you that much... not that your friends don't, it's just—" Cutting himself off, you turned your head to look at him.

"It's just what?" You questioned, seeing as how Kylo's head had dropped the slightest, hair blocking his vision.

"Why are you upset?" Rolling your eyes, you felt your jaw tighten.

"Why do you do that?" Looking back up at the ceiling, Kylo's head lifted.

"Do what?"

"Do that? Cut yourself off and change the subject? You did it on Endor and on Corellia... you can't leave someone hanging like that, it's ill-mannered." Blinking, Kylo shook his head, as much as he could read you well he still couldn't fully understand you. At one moment you were kind, then the next, you were dry and irritated.

"It's of no importance." He nearly mumbled, causing you to sigh. Of course he was going to respond like that, talking to him was like talking to a brick wall... that you enjoyed conversing with.

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