Chapter twenty six: Heir to the Throne

Start from the beginning

The man stood behind a hallway wall a small distance away and when he saw her fully away from the stairwell door, he swooshed out of the adjoining hallway into the new one and slipped into room before the door could close.

He then made his way up the stairway and saw that it was the third floor. He walked up to the door that led into the floor and it was padlocked so he set the suitcase right in front of the door to where if it was opened, the door would knock over the case and would be found.

He did take a glance through the small but thick window that peered into the laboratories beyond and smiled as he backed away from the door. If one where to look the opposite way and stare back at the man, they would see flushed green eyes against dark colored skin.

The door was opened and Lance appeared in the small stairwell and felt the door knock over something fairly large. He never did trust the elevator and when it showed small signs of malfunction, the stairwell became pretty popular. As he looked over to grab the fallen suitcase, Adrian made his escape as loud as falling feathers.

"But there's more to this than how you got the ore isn't there?" Eric probed. She seemed to happy to share this information. It put a dent in his pride but he knew there had to be a piece of information she was withdrawing. What else would explain why she was so out of it when he first asked? "But something didn't go according to plan."

Her face gave it away and she knew it.

"It's classified."

"That's funny because I thought I had access to anything and everything I need in order to give you world domination in a pretty bow." he barked.

She sighed, knowing her iron clad ego might get in the way of everything she has been working for. "There was only one ore."

He had to think about that. "What?"

"All the ores you've been working on...they're all clones of the original," she divulged. "To quicken research of course."

Temper boiled within Eric like he never knew before. "Are you telling me that all this time we have been experimenting with cheap knock-offs of something that could be the answer to the infinite equation?!"

"And what's that?" she broke off.

"It's what we call trying to figure that damn rock out," he blasted. "It's good to know that the authentic one is just lying around here while we try to figure how how the clones work."

"You will calm that temper." she demanded.

"You will give me that rock," he fired back. "Sorry if I have to remove it from your 'personal collection'."

She gave a stern look as he continued his rant.

"You baited us with fake promises of infinite energy that you couldn't figure out and when we make headway, you kick down our doors and shove the world's most dangerous ultimatum down our throat to side with you and do your dirty work for you." He took another breath but it did nothing to calm him down. "And then not even let us work on the actual ore?!" He mentally screamed and looked back down at her from walking around the room. "Did I miss anything?"


Money wiring to offshore account complete Dennis read on his secured phone, which was a text from Stein. This better have been my money's worth.

Dennis closed out of his phone as he made his way to Melinda's office. A janitorial friend of Dennis told him that Melinda and that scientist guy had a yelling match and they both left for something. She went on about how the guy looked and Dennis tuned out all the useless details.

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