You and I deserve better

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I will not give up

I will not fall

I will not cry

There will be someone out there

There will be someone who will care about me

There will be someone who will laugh at my jokes

There will be someone who will stand up for me

You think your going to hurt me

You think your going to cause some damage

You think your going to ruin my reputation

You can forget about it

I’m not going to be controlled anymore

I’m not going to let you think you’re affecting me

You’re not going to and never will

I’m better than you, I deserve better

I feel sorry for all your future girlfriends

They are going into a trap

You selfish bastard

For all those who have been hurt

You deserve better

Be patient and wait and soon you will be taken care of <3

You and I deserve betterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz