Babysitting One Direction

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Hi I'm Katie! And I will be your babysitter. Says Katie. By love you guys be good! Ill be back at 6:00 to pick them up says Harry's mom. Katie says see you then! Harry walks up to her with his hand out and says hey I'm total available. As Katie is shaking his hand she says ok(giggling.) Anyway I know who all of you are and I'm a big fan. (Zayn raises his hand.) Yes Zayn. Katie says. Do you happen to have any toy dinosaurs? Yes. I do. Katie says now come inside! Hear are the toy Dinosaurs Zayn and Niall. And Louis and Liam there are some dominos over there. Katie says. Harry what do you want to do? Katie says. Can we play chess togather? Harry says. Sure Katie says. So 30 mins later Zayn goes up to Katie and says can we watch a scary movie? Yes! But after dinner. Katie Says. Speaking of are you guys ready to eat? Yes they all said.

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