Chapter 2 First Day in the Castle

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I am sitting at dining table across from Darin, and look at my plate which just has a salad on it. I ask Darin, "Can I please have a hot dog or a burger?" and he says, "Why would you want that when you have a gourmet salad?" I tell him, "I don't like salads that much, I would prefer a hot dog or burger because I love meaty foods", and he says, "But I thought girls your age were concerned about their weight". I then say angrily, "I don't care about my weight, and if I'm going to be kept prisoner in this castle like a princess, the least you can do is get a cheeseburger and large fry with a large 7UP from McDonalds". Darin then calls over a thin women in a maids uniform and asks, "Judy, could you go to the McDonalds in town and get Yuri what she asked for please".

She says, "Yes your highness", and runs off to get me what I wanted, 30 minutes later she is back and I have a cheeseburger and large fry with a large 7UP in front of me. I tell Judy, "Thank you Judy, it must have been a lot of work", and she replies, "Oh it was nothing your majesty", before running off. I take a bite of my burger to see that it is real McDonalds, after my burger is finished I eat my fries and then drink my entire large 7UP. I then say, "Wow, that was real fast food, who knew there was McDonalds in such a small country", and Darin replies, "Well the Kingdom of Teque may be small but I try to export American brands and products over here".

I then ask him, "Can I please have something to wear other than this ball gown, it is hard to move in", and he replies, "Yes Yuri, I'll have the royal designer bring you some clothes to wear that are from Japan". I then say, "Thank you", and leave the table to go to my bedroom. When I get to my bedroom, I see a man with green hair and eyes wearing a blue sweater and blue jeans closing the doors to my wardrobe. I freak out and ask him, "What are you doing in my bedroom pervert?" and he says, "It is not what you think, I'm the royal designer Albert, the king asked me to fill your room with both traditional and modern Japanese clothing". I then say, "Oops, sorry my mistake, well thank you", and Albert says, "Your welcome your majesty", and leaves the room.

I open up my wardrobe to see it full of Lolita, Kimonos, and school uniform like outfits. I take out a black kimono with an extremely elaborate red rose pattern on it and realize that is made out of high quality silk, I decide to put it back in the closet. It then look through my dresser to find all kinds of tops, t-shirts, blouses, pants, jeans, sweaters, shorts, capris, and skirts. I put on a red t-shirt and blue jean skirt with a pair of black flats. I decide to head down to the royal library to see if they have any manga but remember that I don't know where it is. I than notice three buttons on the wall of my bedroom beside my bedroom door written in English which I can speak but not read as I can only read and write in Japanese.

I push one of them and suddenly hear a knock on my door. I open up the to see a women of average weight in a maids uniform, I ask her, "Who are you and why are you here?" and she tells me, "My name is Leslie and I am one of your three personal maids, I am here because you rang for me Lady Yuri". I say, "What?!? You mean those three buttons on the wall are for summoning maids", and she says, "Yes, the other two will summon Judy or Suzie. So is there anything you need Lady Yuri". I ask her, "As a matter a fact there is, could you please take me to the library?" and she replies, "Yes Lady Yuri, I would be happy to take you to the library", and she takes me to the library.

At the library, I notice a woman with blonde hair in a bun who appears to be in her teens wearing a grey suit and glasses sitting at a desk. I say to her, "Hi my name is Yuri, what is your name?" and she says back, "I am Alison, the royal librarian, what do you want young lady?" I tell her, "I am here to see if there is manga", and she says, "Miss, what are you doing here? You know this is the royal library, not some public library, as it is for royalty and nobility only". I tell her, "Hey, I am royalty", and she asks, "So what is your title?" I tell her, "I am the queen", and she says, "If you're the queen, than why are you dressed like a commoner".

I tell her, "I am dressed like this because I want to be, and it is very comfortable", and she replies, "Sorry, but I don't believe you because you dress like a lazy person and are very rude". I feel very offended by her words and am about to say something when Darin, who is wearing the same suit from earlier, comes up from behind to give me a hug but I push him out of the way. I than ask him, "Why do you like hugging me so much? I already have to deal with the librarian not letting me into the library because of the way I am dressed".

He looks angry and heads over to the Alison, he tells her angrily, "How many times do I have to tell you that everyone who lives in the palace is allowed to use the library and to treat everyone equally as well as not to judge everyone based on their appearance". She says, "Sorry but I'm in a bad mood today because my boyfriend broke up with me last night", and he says, "That is no reason to disobey the rules and make everyone angry with you". She says, "Why are you even madder at me than usual?" and he replies, "You got Yuri in bad mood, that's way"

She asks, "Why are you angry with me about that?" and he tells her, "Because Yuri is my wife". She seems surprised and says, "You're married? When did you get married?" and he replies, "Last night, I was forced to marry Yuri earlier than I wanted to because of my older sister". She asks him, "If Yuri is your wife, than why isn't she dressed like a queen", and he tells her, "Because Women should be allowed to wear whatever they want, I believe that men and women are equal you know". She says, "Whatever, I'm tired of this argument, just go and use the library as you like, I don't care anymore".

Darin than leaves the library and I follow the signs to the manga section and am able to find it. I look through the manga section, which seems to have every single manga ever made, I than notice that they have the first 6 volumes of Momochi-san Chi no Ayakashi Ouji. I take the first volume off the shelf and read it. I love this manga series because the characters are great and the storyline is also pretty great. I then think about how I am similar to Aoi in one regard, as I am no longer human and seem to be trapped in this castle. I start to miss home even more and wish I could get out more. I than head back to my bedroom as I am feeling tired.

When I get to my bedroom, I see a man who looks like an electrician in there. I ask him angrily, "What are you doing in my bedroom", and he says, "Oh I am George, the royal electrician, I was just hooking up this lap top computer and television set". I say, "Thank you", and he says, "Your welcome", before leaving. I than see MacBook Pro on a computer desk that looks expensive, and a big screen TV with a blue ray player, a ton of gaming consoles, and an apple TV on an expensive looking TV cabinet. I suddenly feel faint and everything goes dark.

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