Your Perfect

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"Aphrodite is so excited to see you." Says Valentina. "And did you really have to take you tiny chihuahua.'

I nodded. Who else would take care of Orbby. This dog has been with me ever since I was leaving for the academy. Dad gave him to me after he was born. So he is something so special to me. Kind like I have a piece of my dad with me.

Brandy said that Valentina wanted like a rode trip kind of thing between us. So we decided to take the car instead of the plane to the castle.

"You know we have to wear our crowns at the wedding." Says Brandy.

"Really? I have not worn that thing in forever."I say. I kept petting Orbby on the head.

"I know." Says Valentina. "Aphrodite wears it all the time."

Yeah I think she has to. It symbolizes a form of power. I looked out the window. While both of them talked about the crown policy that Aphrodite put for her wedding.

On the week of Aphrodite' wedding is the week that Atticus finds out who his mate is. Something in me kind of died because he will finally have a mate and I can no longer fantasize about him.

"Earth to Venus."

I shook my head.

"What?" I say.

"We asked you if would not mind if we give you a make over. Cause girl those eyebrows need help." Says Valentina.

Make over? Maybe that would not be a bad idea.

"Sure." I say.

"Good. We will be arriving in a three hours."

"We should have took the plane."

I wish we did. I wanted to be in my own large room sleeping. Not sitting in the car.

"Yeah I am starting to think that to." Says Valentina.

Orbby barked in agreement. We all laughed.

We arrived at the Castle. The servants started to take out all my luggage out of the car.

I walked in the castle with Orbby trailing behind me. I Followed Valentina and Brandy. At the Entrance was a very tall, large, scary looking guy talking to one of the Royal Warriors.

"Raphael my man." Says Valentina giving him a peace sigh.

"Where have you two been." He says in this deep low voice. Once he took a step closer Orbby growled.

"Stop." I whispered to Orbby.

Everyone turned to look at me.

"Did I not tell you and Aphrodite that both Brandy and I were going on a road trip to get our beloved little sister for the wedding."

"Oh yeah you did." He says taking a step back. I would not blame him. Orbby might be small, but he's nothing to play with.

"Anyways this is her. Meet Venus Kingsman." Says Brandy.

Aphrodite's mate gave me a smile. He still manage to look scary. More like sinister.

"Goodness you are very scary looking. I don't know how you pull that off." I say.

All three of them brusted out laughing.

"See Raphael I'm not the only one that thinks so." Says Brandy.

"I just thought you two were saying that to get under my skin."

"No we are only speaking nothing but the truth." Says Valentina.

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