chapter one

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Chapter one  

Skye's P.O.V 

Another day, another detention

Sunlight streamed in through the windows. I cracked my eyes open then cursed as I quickly closed them as I'm blinded by light.

Groggily I opened my eyes and looked over at the clock, it read nine-thirty, I was late for school again I was going to be in so much trouble. Quickly I jumped out of bed just to fall to the floor, tangled in a jumble of purple covers. I let out a stream of swear words as I tried to break free from them. My door swung open and my sister stomped in, she had terrible bed head.

I looked at her confused that she still had her PJ's on.

"What the heck, Skye. It's nine in the morning."

"But it's a school day?" I asked, uncertainly

"Jeesh Skye, its Saturday. There's no school today."

I let out a sigh of relief, but Maisie quickly put a damper on my happiness. An evil smile appeared on her face. "Well, there's no school for me. You have detention today."

 I let out a groan, but I couldn't help the smile that came on my face as I remembered what I did to Mr. Jameson that got me detention.

When I first came to ivory academy, I was just like every other girl and became smitten Mr. Jameson, with his dark hair that would continually fall over his beautiful jade green eyes and a smile that would make girls swoon. But I soon came to see that he was just as terrible as the teen boys that went to the school. When he saw 

That I wasn't falling for his charm like the other girls, he started making my life a living hell. Yesterday I came in class late and he yelled at me in front of the class, I was already in a crappy mood and I didn't feel like dealing with him picking on me so I took a bottle of cola from my bag and poured it down his head. 

The whole class laughed at him and let me tell you, I never have seen someone turn as red as I saw him turn. 

I let out a chuckle as I looked up at maisie

"You know Maisie, I would say I regret it but I would be lying" 

She shook her at head at me, and then ran her fingers through her dirty blonde hair just as her roommate stepped up behind her with a sleepy look on her face. 

"What's with all the yelling? And why are you on the floor Skye?" Jackie asked as her eyes settled on me. 

"Oh. I um, slipped out of bed" I said sheepishly, rubbing the back of my neck. 

She snorted "of course you did. Now stop with all the noise I'm trying to sleep" and with that she turned around and stomped next door to her room. 

I pulled myself of the floor and threw the covers back on my bed. 

Maisie let out a yawn and stretched her hands above her head "me too, even though I hate rooming with her. She snores like a bear" she turned around then paused.  

"Skye high?" she asked sweetly, I looked at her warily. She only used that nickname when she wanted something from me. 

"What" I asked. 

"Since you're going to detention can I sleep in here?"  

I let out the breath I was holding. I'm glad that's all she asked for. The last time she used that nickname I ended up with blue hair, shaved eyebrows and a terrible fake tan and that was only the beginning of this month. 

"Sure "I said walking over to my dresser to get some clothes out. 

"Thank you "she squealed and dove onto my bed. 

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