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Hello! My name is not Holly, or possibly my name is Not-Holly, I can't recall.

Anyway, I'm generally a jack-of-all-trades, master of none (but better than a master of one!) I read some, I write some. Words are a very powerful tool, considering they are just strokes on a page, or screen, in our case.

Likewise, my nerdiness know very few boundaries, wandering over to this discipline and that. For the majority, I am a nerd of the science variety, but can be frequently found enthusing over wordstuffs, fictional worlds of many a kind, and music.

I'm kind of bad at proactively making friends. It tends to be something that just happens. One moment you're just going through the motions of life; the next, you're attempting to change the world with anon. It's a strange life.

Stranger still when you consider that I shall soon be professionally equipping myself with the skills to look after my very own aforementioned unicorn.

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy and benefit from Project Awesomesauce. We, like many before us, believe in the power of education in overcoming prejudice, including our own. We hope you will come on this journey with us to make our world a more understanding place.

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