Noises in the dark

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I wake up and look out the window. It's so dark outside I see nothing but stars. I turn around and I'm suddenly in an abandoned  house and a boy, my age, with brown hair, blue eyes and some freckles was hung, right at the foot of my bed and the walls start oozing with blood.
I jerk up.

What a horrible nightmare, I've been having those a lot now. I check my alarm, 4:21 AM.
I lean back and look up at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling from when I first moved into the house. There barley glow and there's only a couple left. I hear a rustle outside and freeze. I don't move and my heart beats faster and faster. The rustle gets closer to the house next door and suddenly glass breaks. I jerk up and rummage around my bed side dresser looking for my flashlight. I feel the cold metal between my fingers and quickly turn it on and flash it out my window. It shines right in the broken window of the next door house. A tall person stands there, I can see their hoodie before they run away with the sound of glass and such crushing under their feet. I'm in shock. I can't move.
"Hello?" I yell out the window.
No response.
I turn the flash light off and sit it back on my night stand and lay in bed.
Maybe a druggy? Maybe a teen graffitiing? I think to myself, trying to reassure myself it's not a murderer or something worse. Now I can't go back to bed. It's gonna be a long night.

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I slowly wake up to my cat Zoey licking my face begging for her morning tuna. I must of fell asleep after what happened last night.
After I walk down stairs and feed Zoey I grab a granola bar and my bag and start to head out the door when-
"Macy? What are you doing?" My mom asks standing the the kitchen doorway with her arms crossed.
I mumble with the granola bar in my mouth and my hands taken up by my bag and phone. I put my phone in my bag and take it out of my mouth.
"Morning walk?" I say straightening my figure.
"Macy don't lie to me honey, where are you going?" She says and sighs grabbing some yogurt from the fridge.
"I'm going to Skat's with some friends" maybe she'll believe a 18 year old going to a local breakfast diner with some friends.

"Okay I'll see you tomorrow I'm working another double at the office, okay?" She says grabbing a spoon.
"Okay see you later" I say urgently and shut the door before she can get the chance to say goodbye.
I walk around the house and open up my bag, a flashlight, lighter, the rope, a steak knife, a first aid kit, an apple encase I get hungry, and of course my phone. I grab the black hanker chief hanging on the cloths line and pack up. I walk down Charlotte street and to the house the man was in last night. I made sure I took the knife out and held it behind me. I slowly walk in and look into the house.
Such a shame. I think to myself. This house must of been beautiful when it wasn't a part of the "Charlotte street apocalypse".
I first look into the demolished kitchen. Just a couple of utensils and some newly broken beer bottles on the floor. I turn into the dinning room and nothing but dry wall and mold.
But the living room was a whole different story. A twin mattress, a sheet, lots of beer bottles, a cooler, and more.
"What the-" I start but suddenly someone puts their hand around my mouth and waist and pull me upstairs. I kick and scream but nothing can stop it. My eyes start to tear up. I'm gonna die just like my father did. I think. And I never said goodbye to mom.
Suddenly I'm thrown into a bedroom and the door closes behind me. As I look up the person with a dark grey hoodie locks the door and turns around. He had brown hair and big blue eyes, some, freckles too.
"Who are you? And what are you gonna do to me?" I ask nervously as I back toward the window sill with knife in my back pocket.
"Do I know you?" I ask nervously.
"Listen, okay you shouldn't be here" he says walking toward me with his palms showing.
I scoot back farther slyly reaching for the knife.
"You, you stay away from me!" I say hitting my back against the wall.
"Listen," he says taking a quick glance out the broken window behind me.
He gets closer and try's to grab my hand and I take the knife, quickly and barley stabbing him in the thigh.
He yells and jumps back falling to the ground.
"WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT" he says looking at the blood running down his thigh.
"You idiot!" He says leaning back.
"I thought you were gonna hurt me-" I say panicking.
"What? You thought i was a rapists?!" He says touching the knife and leaning back moaning in pain.
"I- I'm sorry here I have this." I say reaching for my bag.
"What is it? A fucking gun?" He says frustrated. I hand him the first aid kit.
"Oh, great some bandaids" he says lookin at the red package.
"Listen, just don't move okay, I'll pull it out, ready?" I say moving towards him.
"Get the fuck away from me you physco path." He says demanding me which is very scary in my view. As he scoots away from me he slowly leans back and passes out. Probably from the blood lost. I get up and walk toward him, I made sure he is out and I look at the knife. I slowly but my hand on the handle and pull it out as fast as I can.
He jerks up and screams. With wide eyes he looks at me about to say something but he doesn't. I can't help but think that I once knew this kid, maybe at school? It's bugging me now.
"Sorry I was just trying to help." I say getting away from him so he doesn't feel threatened.
"I don't think you should be helping anyone anymore." He says with a long sigh.
"Use the Neosporin, then wrap the bandages around it." I say trying to remember when I've seen this boy, he was cute, I've gotta say, and mysterious, like there's so much hidden behind is big blue eyes it draws you in so you learn more and more. But that's not what I should be thinking, I mean, I stabbed the poor kid for Christ's sake.
"I'm sorry, you scared me." I say watching him wrap the bandages around his thigh and pull his Jean leg back down.
"Yeah well, maybe you should knock entering someone's home" he says trying to get up.
"There was t even a door!" I say frustrated with him. "Plus this isn't your house-" is top myself. The mattress, sheet, cooler, he does live here.
"Oh my god". I say covering my mouth.
"Got a problem?" He says stumbling to the ground. I quickly get up to help him but he pushes me away. I stomp my foot and we both hear a large crack. I look at home wide eyed and he looks back at me, I've must of looked scared as hell right then and there because he looked back at me like I had three heads. Suddenly we both drop down to the first floor with beams and dry wall falling with us. When we hit the group no we both moan in pain.
"Are- are you alright?" I ask him wiping myself off and walking toward him helping him up. He gets up and I walk him to his "bedroom" I guess he would call it. I sit him down and I knew this would be a long talk, so I make myself comfy.

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