some RPers

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Some of these people just ruin the whole RP. I'm at a point to where if I see them in the RP, I won't join.

Let me start off with the people who butt in. It's just gets me on the last nerve! Heck this happened to me once, and they almost ruined a ship! I mean come on people! If you want to RP with someone, just wait, find people who wants to RP like you. I'm not calling out any names...

Then we have the people who just RP in chains no matter what. First off I don't like the chains. It gives you a notification even if it doesn't include you. These people are just no; They RP in chains when EVERYONE ELSE IS NOT. ITS SO CONFUSING, CAN'T YOU SEE THAT NO ONE ELSE IS DOING A CHAIN?! Now sometimes I do a chain when no one else is if it's MY RP. Like a important dream.

The RP style. Some people are like
???: Hi!
When you are RPing in third person.... It's so weird. Also this bugs me feather flys up into the trees it's third person... But not past thence. Oh and this one! Grrr: sees Kara and runs over to her. WHO!? Please guys.. I just don't understand this one.. *man you guys get up early* (I slide in the grass, feeling the morning dew press against my body). Um... What? There is so many things that I'm confused about.

We all must seen this.. The person who ether wants to kill kill kill or is just to OP. Let's start off with the OP people, AT LEAST GET A MINOR INJURY ONCE?! NO?! oh and your weapons... Like a whip: can do a lot of damage, sometimes kills someone, but is easy to break. Why?! ITS A WHIP. BEFORE ANYONE CAN GET CLOSE TO IT YOU'LL WHIP THEM. OH AND YOUR NOT GOING TO BREAK IT YOURSELF ARE YOU?! DIDN'T THINK SO.
Now let's move on to the people who want to Kill Kill Kill. How do I start off these people? Well... They are also the OP people, ignoring the rules, and just killing EVERYONE. Picking them off one by one... If I see that IM OUT. It's no fun.. Now if it's like a vampire werewolf thing where the main idea of the RP is to do that, I'm fine.. But in, let's say a Warrior cat RP.. Yeah... No.

I think I'm done. Don't be surprised if I make a part two of this

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