Crown Princess of Rosso

Start from the beginning

“Lucy, listen to me.” She spoke in almost a whisper as she looked around to see if anyone was there.

“What happened to you? Don’t you know what happened to our family while you were gone?” I ignored her hushed tones but she covered my mouth with her black lace gloved hand.

“We don’t have time for that Lucy. Listen to me. You need to get the hell out of here. They will turn you into one of them. I know you may love the Prince and all that but Lucy, I don’t want you to suffer from the same wrong choice that I’ve once made.” She said.

“What are you saying? Reece is not going to change me, I haven’t agreed on that. We never talked about it.”

“And you think I agreed when they turned me into this? Into what I am, now. I had no choice last year and now I’m giving you one. The changeover is not easy. Until today I’m still conserving my humanity by controlling the thirst for fresh human blood. You will suffer the same fate if you don’t escape.”

“You’re a vampire?” I spoke with all disbelief.

“Let’s not talk about me. I’m warning you little sister; death would be the easiest option if you say no to the Azurians.” My hairs stood up hearing the dreadful word. “Pay attention, sis. Outside the Azurian boarder is a barrier that separates the realm of the undead to our human world. Behind the camp of the dreamscape nomads, you will find the Azurian sealed gate. The gate only opens with the blood of a Crowned Head.” She said as she kept her voice soft and hushed.

“Blood of a Crowned Head? So I have to bring Reece….’s blood? Or Gold’s? Or…”

“No. You don’t need to. After midnight, you will officially be the crown princess of Azura, hence; a crowned head. You have to go alone. If they find you betraying them, they will kill you without thinking twice.”

“Lily, you don’t understand. Since the day I came here, they’ve been nothing but good to me. They will never hurt me, much more; kill me. I’m sure they’d let me go home if I ask them properly.” I said.

“The exact thing happened to me before Lucinda. They make you feel like you’re a part of something bigger and provide everything to you need and want in massive proportions. They love you, and that’s not to question. But have you ever felt like they’re forcing you to be a part of their family? Have you ever felt like they never wanted you to leave? Did they even make an effort to know who you really were before you got here?”

Come to think of it. I remember the feeling that they wanted to adopt me, and how sure they were of Reece and I ending up together. I remember certain situations when our conversations changes topics when I start talking about home. They didn’t even ask who my parents were or where I actually live. They might not even know exactly why I’m staying here.

“I’ve been through exactly the same. Trust me Lucinda. That love you feel for the Prince- if there’s actually any- is not worth the innocent souls you’ll be taking if they turn you into one of them. Souls can’t be bought like blood-bags in the hospital so your situation sister, is much, much harder than mine. And mine’s pretty bad.” She whispered her last statement as she looked around, finding Elliot in a safe distance. And by safe I mean, too far for a Vampire to hear. She waved to him and he drifted in front of us in one blink of an eye.

“I’ll head to the ballroom first, love.” He whispered to Lily as he inhaled against her hair. God, they’re smitten. He smiled at me in recognition and disappeared into thin air like he hasn’t been there.

“The day you disappeared in the camp, is that the day you started living in the Northern Kingdom?” I asked. She nodded. “And you lived there for almost six years without being turned into a Sanguine?”

“It’s because Elliot wanted my humanity intact. I was turned because of an accident, Lucinda. He’s not to blame. He was left to choose over letting me die in the hands of those hunters, or turn me into a Vampire so I could live.” Somehow, I was happy hearing how she spoke those words. She sounded so determined in defending Elliot. I knew right then that she loves him and her sufferings are the price that she’s paying. I admire how my sister Tamika grew to be such as strong woman; able to love one guy for real.

“So Elliot really is the Greektown guy.” I said as she let out a giggle. I missed this.

“And he’s not a drug pusher.” We both laughed at the unfortunate events that happened in our life. And out of the blue, she told me not to tell anyone that we’re siblings. When I asked why, she hesitated to answer at first but being Tamika; unable to resist my continuous babble- she told me the reason.

“Azura and Druada are only counting years for one of the Great Leaders to perish for old age like King Nicolae and Lord Borelli. Mistress Iseobella of Rosso is also planning on giving up her throne to lead one of the longest running Vampire circles in New Orleans and kill a famous lady novelist for greatly insulting our race- saying that we sparkle in sunlight. Anyway, after this night you will officially be the crown princess of Azura like I’ve been to Rosso since 2004. When one of the great leaders die or decides to dispense the throne, we are next in line to be Queen. When they find out that there’s only one blood line that is ruling more than one kingdom, one of us must die.” 

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