Pluto looks at me while I smile lightly in my snow leopard form

"Your really pretty rose!"

Pluto says making me blush but then smirk running away with Pluto tries to catch up after me

I laugh in my leopard form I jump in a tree when Pluto wasn't looking watching him run away while I stay up in the tree

"Can you find me Pluto" I ask him but I only hear a laugh from him

"Of course I can find you kitten"

"Let's see you find me"

I smile but Im pulled onto something making me look and see I'm on Pluto's back

I smile lightly and lay Down on His back rubbing against him purring loudly

"You really love purring don't you"

I growl lightly and nip at his back making him suck a breath in the mind link

"Bad kitten no biting!"

I laugh in the mind link saying

"Of course I love purring I'm a cat dummy"

He laughs and he starts walking back to the manor with us talking to each other

I feel my tail wagging but I let out a long loud yawn

"You tired kitten"

I nod against his back and I think he felt it

"Go to sleep kitten"

I yawn again and fall asleep on his furry back

Flash back over
Pluto POV

I smile as rose falls asleep on my back, she is like a cat with her cat naps

But I'm happy mate had a good fun day she is adorable in her snow leopard form

I walk us back home and once we get to the manor I keep myself in this form ad walk to the grass area where the blanket is

I get rose off my back and I put her on the blanket laying her down before I go behind her in my hell hound form and lay down

I bring my giant paw up and put it on her stomach pulling her stomach to my back before falling asleep with my mate in my arms kinda

Rose POV

I wake up hearing voices

I open my violet cat eyes and look up but close them quickly from the sun as I see all the servants there even ciel and Sebastian there

"Aww there so cute together!" Finny says but I just groan and turn around seeing Pluto's naked chest burring my face in it before mumbling "let me sleep"

I hear Sebastian laugh til he says "dinner is ready"

I sit up quickly along with Pluto saying "food?"

I stand up and walk to the manor with Pluto crawling by my side

We get to the dinning from and everyone sits and eats but Pluto is on the floor by my feet

"So how is Pluto's training coming?" Ciel asks and I smile saying "he is getting better he is wearing clothes instead of being naked and we are still trying to get him to sit up straight without his back hurting"

He nods and Pluto whimpers making me look down seeing him looking at me

I sigh and pet his head lightly making him bark quietly

I look at Sebastian and smirk saying "Sebastian your not going to eat you need to eat"

He glares at me and ciel gets what I'm trying to do and smiles saying "yes Sebastian eat you had to cook over a hot stove you should at least eat what you cooked"

He groans but sits Down and takes tiny bites while ciel says "Sebastian we are going to go see the undertaker tomorrow"

"Ohh can I go with you I love the undertaker he is one of my best friends" I say giving him kitty eyes

He sighs and says "sure"

I smile but I feel a tug at my pants I look down again and see Pluto there with tears going down his face

"Do you like the undertaker more that me rose"

I sigh and pet his head running my fingers through his hand as he sits up and lays his head on my lap

"No I like you both but i like you more you are adorable and sweet the undertaker is just my insane buddy" I say and he nods digging his face in my lap

Everyone looks at us and bard says "you can actually understand him" I mid and say "I made a mind link and i can understand other animals"

He nods as I continue to pet Pluto's head while eating

Once I'm done I see the time and say "I'm going to retire for the night. Goodnight everyone see you in the morning"

They all say goodnight and I walk away with Pluto following tiredly behind me. We get to my room and I open the door and he runs to my bed getting in but I get ready for bed putting on a giant long sleeve shir that stops mid thigh with sleeping boy words with black knee high socks

I brush my hair and teeth before going to my bed and getting under the covers only to be pulled into a naked back so were spooning. I yawn and Pluto wraps his arms around me before huring his face in my neck

I smile lightly and reach my hand behind me and rub the back of his head before bringing it back to my chest and closing my eyes before following asleep

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