Chapter 2-Bernie's Beach Bar

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Eli and I were now driving to our show at Bernies Beach Bar, preparing ourselves to get ignored by the 40 year old couples trying to eat their dinner.
At Bernies we got to play a few songs of ours, plus some covers, it wasn't a bad gig but no one was there for the music.

Eli was a singer, always had been. His whole family was gifted in the musical arts, meanwhile everyone in my family was about as tone deaf as a cow giving birth. Luckily my passion for music got in the way of that and I figured out I was actually pretty great at the drums.

Justin, our bassist, was late per usual as we began to set out our equipment. Jamie wasn't of any help either as he was too busy making sure his precious guitar was tuned to perfection.
So Eli and I were stuck hauling amps, mics, drums, and guitars out of the truck by ourselves.

We were scheduled to go on a 6 pm, a prime time for the elderly couples. I sure do hope they enjoy eating their fiber packed berry salads while jamming to Greenday's Kill The DJ!

Eli: So Adrienne, have any dates planned with Dalton yet? You've only been texting him for 4 months!

Me: Ew no! We're just friends. Besides you already know I refuse to date anyone unless they're Luke Hemmings. OOOOOOOH SPEAKING OF WHICH THE CONCERT IS COMING UP IN ONE WEEK!!

Eli: What concert?


Eli: oh yeah, how could I forget after all the screaming my ears endured after you bought the tickets before anyone else and got front row seats.

He did an eye roll so big his eyes almost popped out of his genetically blessed skull.
Now Eli was hot. And when I say hot, I mean like 'HOLY FUCK DID THE SUN JUST FALL TO EARTH???' hot. But he wasn't Luke Hemmings hot. I've had the biggest crush on Luke Hemmings since grade 6. I mean come on, the perfectly waved blonde hair, the short beard scruff, THE CHEEKBONES. Luke was a god, but a god you could have sex with and not feel guilty about afterwards. How could you not love the guy?

Me: I can hear the sarcasm in that and it is not appreciated. Don't you get all pissy about me getting front row tickets to my favorite band just because you missed getting any tickets to Ed Sheeran last year.

Eli: Ugh just don't even bring up that tragedy.


We finished our night of entertaining the elderly at Bernie's feeling pretty good about ourselves,  because only one confused old man threw his food at us tonight.
We were a good band! Eli sounded like a younger Billie Joe Armstrong and could shred the guitar, and I always killed the drums with all I had in me. But Jamie and Justin didn't have the heart we did and it really showed.
But that doesn't have to do with the old man throwing soup. He had just forgotten to take his meds today.

So again we pack up all the equipment and head back to Eli's house as per tradition after our shows.
We liked to have deep conversations when we were both tired as hell. They typically went like something you'd imagine two school teachers would say after getting high for the first time.

Eli and I got back to his house and went up to his room. Now I know what you'd expect. A hot guy and a not THAT bad looking girl go up to the guys bedroom, somethings bound to happen. Right?
Actually, I don't think we had ever thought about dating, or even just being friends with benefits. He was my best friend, has been ever since he laughed at my science pun in 7th grade.
A true love story, I know.

As we both laid on Eli's bed checking Instagram, I suddenly put my phone on my chest and just started looking at the ceiling. I was thinking about Luke again. I was in love with a guy I'd never even met. Sure he and his band were one of the biggest inspirations I'd ever had in music, so I was bound to love them all, but what I felt for Luke was different. When I see a picture of him my heart skips a beat, (it literally does, I'm not just being poetic I actually have a heart condition) and I just get a goofy smile on my face. I know that shouldn't happen unless you're looking at your significant other or someone you've actually interacted with in your life, but that didn't stop it from being so. He just made me feel good no matter what, and he could never say anything stupid to me to change that.

"Adrienne... Adrienne?... HEY DIPSHIT!"

"WHAT I'M AWAKE" I yelled coming out of my Luke induced trance.
"Geez I thought I'd lost you there for a second! Anyways what's going on? You seem a little weird right now. "
"Oh nothing big, I'm just thinking about Luke and how I want him to pin me up against a wall."
"Okay maybe I shouldn't have asked..."
Like I said earlier, we had deep conversations. Like how deep inside me Luke could go.

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