Ch.8 Itachi finds out

Start from the beginning

"That's--" I stated once again being cut off

"He's got a point, just go for it" Gaara stated

My eyes widened

"When the hell did you get off the couch?" I asked

"He is right Sasuke, maybe you shouldn't be so reserved for once" Neji stated

My eyed widened again 

"And when the hell did you get here?" I asked

There was a sigh from behind me and a hand on my shoulder

"Troublesome people, Sasuke for once these guys are right about something" Shika stated

"What? Shika you too?" I asked in slight shock

Since when did these guys decide to gang up on me?

Agh! so freakin annoying.....

Next thing I knew Naruto was next to me, hands stuffed into his pockets with this amused glint in his eyes

"You do realize I can hear everything you guys are saying right?" He asked

I nearly jumped out of my skin when I realized just how close he actually was.

He chuckled and the others whispered to themselves before Kiba had that idiotic grin on his face that just screamed once again "I'm up so something and it doesn't matter how much you hate it, it will happen" 

I sighed in irritation but before I could retort Kiba grabbed my wrist and practically dragged me out of the room, calling for Naruto to follow and the others to just sit back and wait.

Next thing I knew I was back in my room, Kiba promptly threw me to my bed while making sure Naruto was right there.

By the time I got to my feet again kiba had whispered something to Naruto who smirked in return and I got a Very Bad Feeling

Aww Hell, what did those who come up with THIS time? Whatever it is I know I'm going to some how pay for it later.... unless I'm already paying for it in some unknown manor

Before I knew anything else Kiba vanished, the door was closed and Naruto was casually standing at the wall, hands still stuffed into the pockets but he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the walls and my other stuff.

Though I admit, I don't keep very much stuff in here even for it being my room I just don't need anything useless or something that I'll probably never even glance at twice so what's the point?

Sighing heavily as I sat upright on the bed and stuffed my head into my hands, now glaring at the floor.

 after a few minutes of silence, I looked up to see that Naruto was now looking right at me with a slightly knowing look to him

"So what the hell is Kiba trying to pull this time?" I asked

Naruto shrugged but still with that look

I sighed again standing up I went to the door but it was locked

My eyes widened

"What the hell? Jeez... that blasted mut.... I'm gonna kill him one of these days" I stated very pissed off

Who the hell was he to lock me in my own room?

Gritting my teeth

Naruto chuckled lightly

My attention snapped to him

"Did you know about this?" I asked

His smile only grew 

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