Thank you

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It's been a long road (mostly long due to my unnecessarily long hiatuses) but I'm finally done. I have no unfinished stories that I actually care about left (RIP The Fire Guy). Most of my old friends from here have moved to different websites or faded away. My passion has drifted from writing stories and instead turned to art.

So what next? Well... I think I'm finally done here.

Unlike last time, this isn't a sudden departure sparked by a sudden argument (sorry about that Cookieh, I know you don't remember it but I do, although I still stand by my viewpoint) but a planned leave. I had decided to leave for good once I finished SitS, and after a stupidly long time I've done that. Really I ought to edit some of my stories a little, but if I started doing that I'd never leave. I guess this is it.

Thank you all for everything, whether you've been with me from the beginning or if you've only just started reading, whether you're a close friend of mine or if you only voted on one of my stories, whether you're a dedicated fan or just passing through. I appreciate every bit of it. It's kind of surreal, having such a large following. Looking back on my really old stories makes me cringe a little, but you guys seem to have enjoyed them, and that's what matters.

I'd like to give an extra-special thank you to my old group, the Elemental Crafters: Cookieh, Time, Olivia and me. 

Cookieh (a bit of an outdated name but whatever), although you were the last to join the Elemental Crafters, you fitted in so naturally. Your stories were always such a joy to read. We don't share many interests these days (well, we can still joke about GF together) and yet you're so easy to talk to. I think you're probably the most talkative out of all of us, always bringing life to the group chat. Sorry about your minecraft server, but hey, I greatly enjoyed blowing up the nether so hard that the server crashed. I appreciate all the little doodles you do for us, even if it is a questionable picture involving 'shitters'... then again, I've drawn more questionable things. You're still the most pure out of all of us, you perfect cinnamon roll.

Time (now that's a REALLY outdated name), you've definitely changed the most out of all of us, with your MeowTooKins and your Armardas. Again, our interests have little overlap but we still talk so much. I'm still so pleased about my first fanart. I'll never forget that feeling, seeing that someone loves my books so much that they dedicated actual time and effort into making something for me. The event where I met fans on omegle and then ended up only talking to you for five am was also great fun. I really enjoyed our time together even if I was a bit of a dick to you. Sorry. I wish you the best of luck in your quest for a gf (CookiehIsTicking confirmed?) and your quest to become the universe's best Melee player.

Olivia, we don't really talk much any more. But I still read your tweets (although even that's quite rare) and it's quite comforting to know that you're still there. You gave me my very first commission, which was a huge honour for me. Your gimmick of snow matched my firey persona perfectly and inspired a surprising amount of angsty fanfiction, which was always fun. You're the eternal birthday buddy and I loved planning stories with you and drawing art for each other. Drop me a skype message anytime.  

There are way too many memories for me to collect them all up and fit them into one little neat chapter. I can't really remember many specific names, but a couple come to mind: Supapenguinz and LovinglyTragic, I don't think you use this website any more but I always appreciated your consistent support.

What else...? Oh yeah, if you want, you can follow my art account on twitter, takimakura_. I don't do minecraft things any more, but there's anime and random things such as the thing you see for the cover of this book. Feel free to talk to me on there. Or don't.

I'm happy I managed to entertain so many people. Even now I'm still getting new readers, which is insane. Of course, I always dreamed of becoming popular, but having one of the most read MC fanfictions on this site? If you had told 13-year-old me that his little anecdotes about lonely minecraft creatures would've surpassed 19 reads and instead blown up into the millions, he'd probably ask how I knew that and what the secret to time travel is.

I'll hang around for a while. Maybe I'll put all my stories into nice little downloadable links and chuck them on my profile. I'll keep reading comments and things for a little bit longer. Perhaps I'll even do a bit of editing here and there. But there'll be no more stories. If I were to write anything more, it'd be on a different account, which I might post here, or on my twitter or something. Who knows.

Well, I'd better wrap this up then. Toodles.

~ShadowLykos, signing out for one last time. So long, and thanks for all the reads.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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