Chapter 6: Finding Me

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Aria Pov

How was I supposed to find the real Ghost?

What lies beneath the betrayal, and tribulations?

How am I going to do this, while trying to stop Autumn?

{At Pinkie Pie's Home In Pinkie Pov}

I wonder why it happens. Pinkamenia doesn't need to be here. Rarity is going to help me, and Twilight is going to help me as well.

If anything goes wrong, then Pinkamenia will draw me to hell. I don't want to be the only vampire that is drew into the bowls of hell.

I'm trying to find myself!

{At Rarity's House In Rarity Pov}

I'm wondering why Aria is so misplaced! She was saying something about a mysterious boy, named Ghost, that was cursed. Sonata and Adagio are helping him find his real body, but nothing is going on.

She won't be able to see what Autumn has done to Pinkie. She was the one who turned her into Pinkamenia. She wasn't born with it.

She cursed her with the demonized spirit of hell. She wanted her to be nothing, and she also cursed Sunset.

Sunset won't be able to see us because she is now a vampire raging she-demon.

Autumn was breaking us apart, while the three sirens are not doing anything about it.

{At Twilight's Home In Twilight Pov}

I was researching a potion that can make Pinkie not turn into Pinkamenia. Pinkamenia is a murderer that is now a vampire.

I hope Autumn doesn't turn my magic into evil, or I won't be able to change Pinkie.

She won't be the one who destroys us. I will find her and kill her myself if I have to.

{At Fluttershy's House In Fluttershy Pov}

My friends are working hard to stop Autumn. She is favoring Adagio more than us. She needs to stop.

Angel is cursed by Autumn, and is with her. My beautiful pet bunny is being cursed to her!

{At Applejack's Farm In Aria Pov}

I am here with Applejack, so she can help me with Ghost.

She said she would help.


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