The Nightshift (Normal P.O.V)

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You were in your room on your computer looking for jobs. You scrolled through the thousands of High paying jobs and finally found one but when you saw where it was your heart dropped. Freddy Fazbear's.... Just the name brought back horrifying memories.

==========Flashback========== (aka horrible bite of '87 reenactment)

You were having a great time with Your brother. Until your older brother came. "Hey little bro, look at that it's Fredbear do you wanna see it up close" he said. "N-No Please". "Awwwww he wants to get closer doesn't he" Your older brother's friend added. "Stop teasing him, it's his birthday give him a break" you said. "Okay we'll stop teasing then" he replied back and picked up your little brother. "Please don't I don't wanna go". "He wants to get even closer". Security guards started to notice. Your older brother put your little brother up to the bear's mouth. "He wants to give him a kiss". "N-No please someone, I'm scared" the bear's mouth opened. "S-Someone He-..." Blood was splattered everywhere. He was dead....

==========End of Flashback===========(sorry if you still believe foxy or mangle did the bite but I'm pretty sure it's golden Freddy)

You got sick at the thought. But it paid well and for some reason had good reviews. You looked through the available jobs. Waitress/Waiter, Day Shift security guard, chef, and Nightshift security guard. All of them didn't pay enough except for the Nightshift. It was good enough for him as long as he got the money he needed to pay for his rent and food. You got your phone and called the owner of the place. "Hello?" A voice said through the phone. "Hey I wanna apply for the Nightshift". There was silence on the other side of the phone. "O-Oh...Are You sure?". "Yes" You replied back. It took a few moments for him to answer. You were about to ask if he was still there but he answered. "O-Okay well show up at 11:45 PM because your shift starts at 12:00 AM so you come early to get your uniform and supplies while a friend of mine, Jeremy will show you how to do your job...". "Okay bye". "Bye".

At The Job

I walked into Freddy Fazbear's and Went to see the manager in his office. He gave me the uniform and told me to be careful. I was confused but I let it slide and I met Jeremy. "Hey, I'm Jeremy and I'm going to show you how to survive...I mean handle this stuff". "Um okay?" . "So there are no doors so you will have to check on these once in a while with your flashlight, make sure you don't run out of battery or power okay? And you can use these cameras and there is a mask so when a animatronic comes you can put it on but not when mangle and Foxy come, when those two come you just shine the light on them...all right good luck....your going to need it" and he walked away. It was 11:59 so I got in my seat and started my shift.

"Hello? Hello????!!" The guy on the phone said. He was quite annoying. I was one hour into the night. I saw a bunny's head poking out from the vent. I put the mask on. After a few minutes it went away. Then I heard something. Wait what. There was a music box playing slowly. Then it stopped. Why was there a music box. Then some other music started playing. Then I heard a ghostly voice say...

Don't forget the music box....

Pulling Strings (Female Puppet X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now