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A orange aura surrounded Damien as he threw Mark to the side, sending Mark to slam into the ground. Damien stood, heading over to me with a look of concern. Mark kicked out his leg, slamming it into Damien's ankles.

"Gah." Damien replied, buckling to his knees. Mark rolled over, onto his stomach to try to stand, but Damien stopped him with a punch to the adam's apple.

Two men were fighting in my apartment and I'm just standing here. Should I call the police, or should I try to intervene? If I try to intervene then I could just make the brawl worse. But if I don't Damien could get... Wait why is there two of him? No, that can't be right. I must be hallucinating.

I blink vigorously, waiting for the image of Damien's doppleganger to disappear. But to no avail.

"Wha what the hell!" Mark said surprised at the sudden double target. But it was once again proven that Mark wasn't one to back down to a fight as he swung at the one closest to him. The Damien was hit with a haymaker, yet he didn't move . Mark jabbed the heel of his foot into Damien's chest, slamming him into the ground. The body burned into purple flames.

Now it was back to just Damien, Mark, and I in the room. Mark looked at him like Damien was his next meal.

"Call the police." Damien's voice was different, it sounded almost demonic. Before my mind could even process the words he said, the boys had already started throwing punches at each other. I mentally decided the best thing right now would be to follow Damien's lead and call the police.

A large cracking noise ripped through the air. Subconsciously I turned to look if anyone was hurt, but all I saw was red. The blood was staining my cream carpet. As quickly as I whipped my head to face them, I turned my attention back to my phone. My fingers flied over the numbers, hearing ringing for what felt like forever.

"Hello, this is 911 what is your emergency?" A sweet voice says.

"My ex boyfriend attacked one of my friends." I say, my voice shaking with every word. As I tell her where my apartment is and how much fighting there is, the grunts get louder and louder until they are practically yelling.

The boys seem so into the fight that they don't even notice the police officer that opens the door and steps in.

"Hey break it up, break it up!" The police officer yells at the boys. Damien instantly puts his fists down, but Mark must still be in a fighting trance when he nails Damien in the side of the cheek. One of the other police officers tackles Mark to the ground and before you know it the click of handcuffs rings through the air. He finally was out of his trance as his body stopped struggling. Mark bowed his head in shame, finally realizing what he did was absolutely wrong. But when he lifted his head to look at me and smile, I felt nothing. No warm and fuzzy feeling inside. It's like I finally let go of the past and am know able to move on with my life. Another thing I noticed when he lifted his head was that drying blood was all over his face, stemming from his nose. Great, now I have his blood all over apartment.

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