Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ellen woke up the next day determined to feel better and get on with things, as much as it pained her, he was out of her life now and over a year later she had not heard anything from him.

Grabbing her silk gown from the side of her bed she went downstairs to see what she could find for breakfast.

The house was calm only the noise of her rummaging through cabinets the only vibration across her exquisite marbled kitchen. She grabbed a carton of eggs from the fridge settling on an omlette and poured herself a glass of orange juice she was happy of course she was she had a big beautiful house all to herself.

Once her omlette was ready she decided to take it upstairs and have a lazy breakfast in bed whilst catching up on current events.


Patrick woke up with a yawn turning over he was pleasantly happy to see Jill was not in the bed and sighed with relief. He glanced at the clock next to him 11am, wow he must have really been exhausted. He was about to get up and head downstairs when he heard the bedroom door open and soft feet walk across the room and a weight pressing onto the bed.

He closed his eyes in the hope that he could feign sleep he really did not need another lecture right now. 

Jill watched his unmoving form and smiled to herself. Perfect she thought grabbing the hem of her t-shirt and pulling it over her face. She made quick work of her bra and pressed herself up against his back letting her tongue move against his shoulder blades.

He stiffened 'fuck' he was in no mood the thought of her touching him made him feel cold especially after everything. He moved slightly hty to create some distance and she took that opportunity to grab onto him and swing her leg over his.

"Mmmm where are you going lover?" she purred trying to sound sexy when it was anything but.

"I can't do this" he spoke sitting up harshly.

"Why, we have the house to ourselves," she smiled coming along to kneel down in front of him.

She places her hand on the front of his boxers stroking through the thin fabric getting frustrated at his lack of response.

He grabbed her hand and moved it away. "Stop the act Jill there are no damn cameras here."

"Fuck you bastard, its always the same with you always turning me away," she yelled angry that he was fighting this.

Patrick could see the fury in her eyes but didn't care. Not when this woman was everything that was wrong in his life.

"Don't start this again you know damn well i only stayed because of your threats," he snarled. "What was it again give up everything or you will never see your kids again."

"How long must you keep going back to that'" she spat bitterly. "You were the one who gave it all up. YOU NOT ME."

"BECAUSE YOU GIVE ME NO CHOICE..... I gave up everything for you and your goddamn demands. I LOST it all and thats down to you my racing, my dreams, my show, my friends."

"What you mean your precious pathetic costar Ellen," she mocked.

"DON'T YOU DARE TALK ABOUT HER LIKE THAT," he threatened. "I may be pretending to the world that we are fine and in love but there is no way i am going to pretend in my home."

"You are such a bastard, i fucking get to call the shots round here not you. Remember that next time or me and the kids will be gone."

She grabbed her t-shirt pulling it on and sneered. "I'm going out maybe by the time I'm back you are less hostile."

Patrick watched her slam the door and sat down on the bed running a hand through his hair in frustration. He knew he had to stick it out for his kids sake they are all that mattered.


Ellen smiled walking out of her steam filled bathroom it felt good and she grabbed the remote of the nightstand flicking the tv on time to catch up on current events.

She watched not really paying attention and going over a couple of errands in her diary she would would have to be back and start filming greys soon.

Tv: And now we have the premiere of the new trailer from Patrick Dempsey's new movie Bridget Jones baby.

Ellen looked up and saw it, there on her screen was the man who plagued her night and day. She watched the trailer as he gave that smiled she used to love and watch him roll around naked with the leading lady except for very tight fitting pair of boxers.  She used to remember him being like that with her so many times on set.

She furiously turned of the screen that was another time ago, he was the one who walked away and she hated him for it.


Patrick was still so angry  it had been a few hours now since that confrontation with Jill and he had done nothing except march back and forth in the end deciding to go for a run to clear his mind.

He walked into the house glad no one was home and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge before heading upstairs to shower. How dare she act like he was in the wrong here he gave up everything he loved and yet it wasn't enough. He had come to realise it never would be enough.

He grabbed his phone a few missed calls from his agent and a couple of messages from the guys at motocross. He casually opened his phone and scrolled through his vast array of pictures till he got to what he was looking for.

He smiled at the way she beamed at the camera. Her eyes glowing his arm drapes casually around her waist.


"Sandra tell Paddy that he is not allowed out on our girls only night." Smiled Ellen pushing him out of the way playfully.

"Of course not it would defeat the whole purpose of girls only," responded Sandra sarcastically.

He fake pouted and grabbed her by the waist. "But i can be one of the girls."

"No, you need to be my sweet charming handsome Paddy, " she giggled.

He kisses her lightly on the cheek "Always"

Surprised by the action she blushed and smiled grabbing his phone she passed it to Sandra. "Get a picture."

Sandra rolled her eyes at the two of them they could look like they are in love to anyone passing by.

Patrick pulled her in his arms pressing her back into his chest his face resting on her shoulder as she giggled at the photo.

"I miss you Ellie," he sighed.

No one had ever made him feel like her, she was always there and just fit into his arms even when they were acting it didnt feel like it everything seemed so natural. He remembered the last kiss they shared on screen the way she would discreetly slip her tongue in with his. He never questioned her about it, he just assumed it was because she wanted to make it look realistic.

He missed everytjing about her, the way she would play with her hair when she was going over a script, the giggle of her laughter when she would find something amusing, the way she would bring him a coffee during early morning shoots.

She was his best friend, and now all he could do was reminisce about happier times. 


Ellen picked up her bag, she had to things to do and it was sooner rather than later. She grabbed her cell phone on the way and smiled today would be a beautiful day.


Patrick ran out of the shower wrapping the towel around him beads of water still glistening on his body as he grabbed his ringing cell phone.

"Hello....yeah it i'm just surprised i didn't think i would hear from you..... Hmmm okay i'll meet you there."

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