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"Who ARE you anyways?"
"Zenon. Lux Zenon. And that is my friend you have right there," I replied, pointing to a complete stranger.
"Oh really now? This one is your friend?" The bully pulled back from a bloody faced girl.
"Yes, now give her back and we will be on our way." Famous last words, right? I was attacked by the bully.

The next time I woke up, the bully was on the ground.
And so was I.
I got up and felt so much pain, my head was banging and my legs felt broken. There was blood, but I couldn't tell if it was mine or the bully's,or both.
I couldn't remember what happened, but I did remember the girl. I looked to where she had been before the blackout, she had passed out but woken up.
"Phone. Phone. Where issssssss?" I slowly looked around for my phone. I felt sluggish. I patted my pants and found my phone somewhere in a cargo pocket.
"Hey pretty lady, wanna give me your number?" I ask, trying to look cool while blood dripped down my face from my nose.

I walked into the hospital for the.....what? Hundredth time?
"Hey Lux, more trouble? How bad was it this time?" The head nurse, Natalie, knew me well.
"Ah me? I'm just the poor victim," I smiled, batting my eyes at her. She laughed.
"Sure, Dr. Jamie is already ready for you. Head on back, troublemaker."
"You know you love me," I laughed a little at my remark. I'm funny, in case you haven't guessed.
I went back to Dr. Jamie and he fixed me up.
"What did you do?" He asked.
"To tell the truth, I had another black out. Doc, when I woke up, the blood, it was so mixed...I couldn't tell." I felt some tears coming.
"Calm down, I have an idea, but you need to give me some time. I've known you for years, and I've almost reached a conclusion on what's happening." He comforted me as I calmed down. I went home soon after. "Lux, try not to get into any more trouble, okay?" Natalie called after me.
"But these girls are hot!" I whined.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2016 ⏰

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