Chapter Ten - Merry the Vampire Slayer

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It was getting dark by the time Sophie was close to Max’s hospital. Celia had been planning the bank robbery for hours, though the eventual plan didn’t exactly exist in so many words.

“I should sleep more,” Sophie yawned, fumbling in her pocket for her key.

“Oh no,” a smooth voice said, from above her, “The night is good.”

A shadowy figure dropped gracefully from the roof, landing in front of her.

“Hello, Sophie,” Serkan purred. “Fancy seeing you here.”

Sophie cursed. “What are you doing here?”

“Your blood,” Serkan bowed his head slightly, “is so unusual, so highly addictive. We try to contain our impulses, Night Princess, but you were born to be dead.”

“Oh boy,” Sophie rolled her eyes. “We’re not even a minute into this conversation and you’re being melodramatic.”

“The addiction,” Serkan glid closer to her, “is so strong. I must taste your blood again, Sophie. I must.”

“Come on,” Sophie complained, while she tried to build up enough anger in her head for a decent attack, “don’t they have a Blood Anonymous or something to deal with your addiction?”

“You joke,” Serkan murmured, coming close enough for Sophie to have to step back. “But this is no laughing matter. This is a matter of survival. Come to me willingly, and live forever.”

“I think this conversation is getting away from me.”

Sophie’s slow walk backwards turned into a jog.

“You’d enjoy eternity, Sophie,” Serkan whispered. “It’s so…liberating…to know that you have forever. That you will be young and strong and beautiful forever. You’ll never grow old. You’ll never be hurt. You’ll never die. All your fears…gone.”

“You know what my biggest fear is right now?” Sophie told him, conversationally. “Having my blood drunk by a crazed vampire psycho.”

Serkan’s purr turned to a growl.

“Obey me,” he commanded. “You are mine. Do as I tell you, and your afterlife shall be free. Hand your life over willingly, and you shall be forever yourself.”

Sophie curled her hands into fists.

“Yeah?” she shook her head. “And if I don’t hand my life over willingly?”

“Then I will take your essence by force, and you shall be unable to disobey any command I ever give.” Serkan looked delighted by the concept.

“I’m sorry,” Sophie snapped, “but I really don’t think eternal servitude would suit me.”

Her hands came up, fists flying open, and black energy knocked Serkan off his feet. He went flying into the side of a warehouse, cracking the wall. Sophie turned and fled.

“Nice try,” Serkan was beside her in an instant. “But you’re a Necromancer. Death magic only makes us stronger.”

He grabbed her, lifting her effortlessly off her feet and pinning her arms to her side.

“Let me go!” Sophie yelled, kicking her feet uselessly.

Serkan bared his teeth. “Last chance, Sophie. One bite, and an eternity of freedom. Last chance.”

Sophie struggled frantically and Serkan snarled.

“So be it,” he hissed. “But you’ll regret it!”

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