Culinaria L'amore Chapter Nine

Start from the beginning

He clicked the phone shut and grinned at me as I seethed and reached for my cell.

"Garret I don't know your middle name Bianchi, what kind of jerkish move is that you idiot?! How did you know I didn't want to go out with him? Huh? You imcebile!"

"It's Robert."

"Excuse me?"

"My middle name is Robert. What?" He asked, obviously enjoying the infuriated look on my face. "You indirectly asked me what my middle name is and I told you. Don't get mad or anything."

I was at a loss for words. "You, you, you, scoundrel, you jerk!"

"Hey! Don't shoot the messanger. I told him that you aren't interested in him because you aren't. I know girl, okay? Shouldn't you give me a hug and thank me for getting you out of an incredibly awkward night with a wimp who won't properly ask you out?"

"Just give me back my phone!"

He pocketed the device patting his back pocket where it was safe and snug next to.... oh god. There goes my plans of retrieving it.

"Do you think I'll give it back right now? You'll just call him and apologize and ask him out like all girls do. Nope, it's staying with me."

I glared at his retreating back but didn't say anything as I walked back into the dining room, because I knew that he was right. That is what my good soul would of done

"Everything alright, dear?" Yivanni asked as I took my seat.

"Everything is just fine, thank you. Just a phone call from a friend inquiring how I am. Oh my, this chicken pot pie looks delectable." I mumbled with a fake and strained smile on my face.

Garrett smirked from his seat as Yivanni muttered mildy, "It's lemon meriguie, but I'll tell the chef anyhow."

I glared at him, before laughing. Nervously. "My bad. I don't feel that great right now and it must be affecting my eye sight and taste ability. I think I will retire for the night if that's okay with you all."

"Go ahead," Yivanni said, shooting me a small smile. "I hope you feel better tomorrow."

Once I managed to escape the dining room, I sped walked to my room, sighing in relief when I finally opened up and door and flopped onto my bed. My bag that rested on a chair come into my vision and I eyed it wearily before gingerly taking out Amelia's People Magazine.

The cover was slick and glossy under my fingertips, displaying a close up image of Jennifer Lopez and her two children. The sidebar showed other celebrities, none giving any juicy gossip about Garrett and the oh so famous 'Mira'.

Wasting no time, I quickly flipped through the table of contents and noticed a specific one labeled, 'Bianci Heir's Love Conquests... Or Not?'. Snorting at the overdramatized title, I opened up the magazine to page 56 and found myself staring at a smirking, confident, Garrett.

Sucking in a breath, my gaze traveled down the picture, admiring the tight black dress shirt and low slung marble washed jeans. His brown hair was tousled back, looking effortless even though the stylists had taken probably hours to manage it, and the lazy grin on his face displayed his arrogance and conceitedness.

At least in my opinion.

So why did my heart do a little flip when I saw his picture?

I shook my head, now irritated, and proceeded to read the article.

'The Heir to the Bianchi Culinary Institute, worth billions of dollars, Garrett Bianchi, is an attractive man of 23 and is already one of the most sought after males in the States. Rumored to be a heartbreaker, Garrett has always appeared mysterious and quiet when talking to reporters about his love life.

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