Hey babe, thought you might want a shoulder to sleep on, he said.

That would be lovely, thank you.

As soon as we took off on the three hour trip I was out like a light and slept the entire way there.

I woke up in Jon's arms since he was carrying me to the bus.

Jon I have to go help unload the plane, I said.

Don't worry about it, I talked to Troy about you sleeping and he said him and Jim could handle it since you weren't pitting the locker room together until tomorrow morning, he replied.

Ok, but I can walked the rest of the way to the bus you know.

Its alright, you're light. Now go back to sleep.

A couple minutes into tue bus ride I was asleep again and was woken up by my alarm going off at 7. I was in Jon and Pat's room of course since Jon ended up carrying me in.

I went and showered, blow dried and straightened my hair, did my make up, and got dressed in leggings, my Blackhawks quarter zip, and white converse.

I went out to the parking lot and you d the truck where Troy was waiting for Jim and I. Jim showed up a couple minutes after me and we made our way to the arena where we set the locker room up.

The guys had an afternoon practice so we didn't have to rush and get everything ready before a morning skate.

We got everything set up and had an hour and a half before practice so I did my volleyball workout and then practice started.

Practice ended and we were told that we were going to a team dinner at 6:00 so we went back to the hotel and started getting ready.

I took a shower, blow dried my hair, curled it into loose ringlets, re-did my make up a little heavier adding red lipstick, and put on my plain black dress that reached mid thigh and hugged my curves with cutouts at the top next to the short sleeves and black pumps. I grabbed my phone and $30 and walked down to the lobby.

There was only a couple guys down there and of course Jon was one of them. He was facing the elevator talking to Shawzy, Kaner, and Sharpie but when the doors of the elevator opened Jon saw me and his mouth fell open and his eyes bulged just a little bit. The other guys turned around when Jon's face did that and they all stared a little bit too.

I started walking over to them and I heard Little Black Dress by One Direction starting to play from Shaw's phone.

Really Shaw, I said said annoyed when I reached them.

What? Chaun played this song all the time and you were in a little black dress, he said.

We talked until the rest of the team got there and we loaded onto the waiting bus and drove 15 minutes before we reached a very nice looking restaurant. We were seated in a separate room of the restaurant and immediately drink orders were taken and when the drinks came out the food orders were taken. We talked about all sorts of different things before the food came and we were mostly silent until people started finishing their meals and conversations started up again. When we were all finished we loaded the bus and went back to the hotel.

I got to my room a d got in the shower so I wouldn't have to do it tomorrow morning. I put on my PJs and sat on my bed watching a movie on TV. I watched the whole movie and then fell asleep.

I woke up at 7 o'clock and got dressed in my uniform and did my make up and hair before going down to the lobby, getting breakfast, and then waiting for the team.

They finally all showed up and we made our way to the arena. There was a short skate for the guys and then they went back to the hotel while the equipment managers did all of the equipment checks.

We finished an hour early so I did my volleyball workout and then the guys started showing up.

Warm ups started and ended and before I knew it they were all patting my head in the way by.

I fixed my hair and trailed behind them towards the bench. We won 4-3 and we packed and loaded everything up before making our way to the airport. We loaded all of the stuff onto the plane and then boarded ourselves. We reached Chicago at midnight but Jon and I didn't get home until 1 since I had to help move all of the equipment into the UC.

We finally got into bed at 1:20 and we were relieved that we didn't have practice or anything tomorrow so we could sleep in.

Hey guys!

Here's chapter 17 I hope you like it, feel free to leave a comment!

Also thank you guys so much for 352 reads especially since at the end of the last chapter I had 265 reads, it means a lot to me that you are reading this!


Can't Love You More Than This (Jonathan Toews) COMPLETEDМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя