Chapter 2 - Cabin Plans

Start from the beginning

He wasn't himself anymore. It was so sad to see. A man who was always the light of the room, now his personality didn't even shine out in the room. Sami was just there.

Things exactly why Roman wants to get everyone away. Hopefully, just hopefully, this can bring the old Sami back. The old Dean back.

"Thanks to everyone for getting here quick. I won't keep everyone too long. I just wanted to let you know I booked a place somewhere for us all to, escape to I guess. Get away from anywhere. It's actually not too far from here actually."
"So you booked a place and didn't enquire to see if it's something we all wanted to do?"
"Dean, I thought I'd be nice for us all-"
"What if we don't want to go? Hmm? What if we are just fine here?"
"I was trying to do something to help us all. A break from everyone outside our circle trying to get their opinion in on things they have no idea about-"
"Count my ass out."

"Dean, give it a thought."
"Tam, I'm not interested in this shit. It's not going to do anything."
"What about everyone else huh? Ever think other people need a break?"
"A break from me you mean huh?"
"No Dean. Not a break from you. You know what? This world doesn't just revolve around you! That day and time after, you weren't the only one that was hurt! Look at Sami." Dean looked away from everyone. "Fucking look at him. He was hurt too. Physically and mentally. I don't see him complaining. No, instead he's suffering in silence because he doesn't want to be a burden."
"He was scared earlier because he thought this meeting was going to be us getting kicked out for him screaming out after a nightmare. Dean, mate. He's struggling, he won't admit it to you but he is. You won't admit it either, something you both have in common. You don't want to feel like your being burdens. It's ok to be sad, angry at Solomon. Thats just being human. It's ok to feel scared, scared that you think everyone else will do the same. It's alright if you need reassurance that we won't. That we'll stand by you. Just don't shut us out. Please, we want to be there for you. Through the good times and the bad. Don't shut us out. Let us in, let us help."

Silence was deafening. Eventually it was Dean that broke the silence.

"Fine. I'll go. Maybe we can talk when we get there."

Sami stood and walked over to Dean, finally a small, but sad smile crossed his lips.

"You... smiled?" Sami nodded.
"Thank you for agreeing to come. I really want to try and fix myself and fix you. You need to be fixed too. You probably don't feel like you do, but you do. From one hurt guy to another, we can do this. We can do this together. Brother to brother. Let's beat our demons. You in?" Dean sighed.
"I'm in kid. Little brother."
"But I'm older than you. You're my little brother."
"Oh ok. Big brother. Come here." Dean engulfed Sami into a sweet embrace.

Adrian teared up. This was the start of getting the Sami he always knew. Dean too.

"We're gonna need some supplies so, who wants to tag along?"
"I'll stay here. I'm a bit tired still."
"I'll stay with Sami."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, Adrian you go with everyone else. Sami and I can chill for a while."
"Ok. Yeah, let's do it."

*After everyone but Sami and Dean leave for the shops*

"You wanna play on the PS4 Sami?"
"I'll just watch you for a while. I don't think I'll be able to concentrate right."
"You hardly been sleeping?"
"I get about three before I wake up screaming."
"Sami, I didn't know it was that bad. I'm sorry for just selfishly thinking about me and that's it."
"It's alright Dean."
"It's not. You were suffering too and I was too focused on me."
"It's ok Dean. You just need to remember, everyone else isn't Solomon. They love you and will be there for you. Can I ask something of you?"
"Anything Sami."
"Can I use your shoulder as a pillow? I just want a quick nap."
"Of course. Settle in there. Anything for you Sami."

*Half an hour later*

Sami suddenly jumped up. Awake and panicking. He'd had another nightmare. This time, Adrian wasn't there. It was just Dean.

"Sami? Sami, calm down."
"He was doing it again."
"It's just a nightmare. He's not here."
"He is. He was... he was."
"Shhhhh, shhhh, it ok. You're safe here."

I need to call Adrian. I don't know what to really do.

After a couple of rings, he answered.

"Hey, what's up mate?"
"Adrian. It's Dean. I need your help. Shhhhh, its ok Sami."
"Sami? What's up, Dean what's up with him?"
"He fell asleep for a little while and suddenly woke screaming. What do I do? It's ok Sami. It's ok, you're safe."
"We're on the way back. Just keep doing what your doing Dean. He just needs to feel safe and know Solomon isn't there. OK?"
"Ok. See you soon. Bye."

"He's coming for me isn't he? He's coming. I know he is. He's going to kill me."
"No he isn't. He's not going to do that. He's ain't getting anywhere near you. Not letting that ever happen. Sami, your going to be ok. I promise."
"Can't promise anything. He got me last time..."
"He won't. I'll kill him if he ever comes near you. He's caused enough damage to us all. He's not doing anymore."

#### Apologies for taking so long with this update. I keep thinking up tons of ideas for one shots and stuff, I won't promise a certain time timetable for updates.

Also, I'll say this for every story I write, do NOT simply comment "please update. I need it." Especially when I've just updated. Its very annoying.

Updates come as soon as they are written. The second I finish them and quickly read it over, it's posted. So please don't. I shouldn't have to say this for every story I write. I'll be posting this in the next "Saving Dean" chapter too.

Sorry for the rant.

Anyways, will Dean have calmed Sami down before Adrian and Co get back? How will this trip go? Will it help Sami? Will it help Dean? Will it help anyone or everyone?

Find out soon!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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