Chapter One: A Nightwalk Just For Fun

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Your path was dimly lit. The street lights exposed your shadow, causing it to dance around the pavement.
It wasn't the first time for you to cross these streets, you did this very often. But it was only for the sake of your brain, so it could relax and think about the less important things in life.

The song that started playing in your earbuds was very familiar, it was by  (f/b) then your steps slowely began to follow the melody. It made you less aware of your environment, even though you've always been very observant.

It was starting to get really late, but you needed to be alone and you couldn't handle people, and the fact that they distracted you, especially during the daytime hours.
Your parents were very happy with your nightwalks, they called it a "healthy excercise" and thought you really needed it.
I once saw (c/f) ride on his bike here, I guess he lives closeby. You assumed, secretly hoping that your crush himself lived here as well.

The song was over and because it was the end of the album,
you took out your phone and searched for another song that suited your mood. You focused on the titles, while spectating your surroundings every few seconds. Then a chill was sent down your spine, it felt like someone or something was standing behind you. You wanted to run away, but a hand grabbed your shoulder and was not letting you go.
Your heart jumped up and down, as you slowely turned your head around. What you saw was a quick flash of a man, but as you tried to look up to his face, he quickly laid his hands on your eyes. He then even faster folded his whole arm in front of your eyes and pressed a small cloth to your nose and mouth. You wanted to scream but realised it was no use anymore. You blacked out...

Leave a comment, I would really appreciate it! I will publish the rest of this story when I get some reads.

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