(5) In Plain Sight

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Chapter 5

Kat's POV

I awoke to my new alarm clock buzzing around on the table. Joy. A new day, a new school, a new life. What's not to love? Don't answer that, its sarcasm and a rhetorical question. I finally sat up and turned my alarm clock off. I really hate alarm clocks, its not fun being awoken by a loud annoying buzz. Am I the only one who feels that way? Hell no.

I swung my legs off the bed and ran to the bathroom only to find the door slamming in my face. CRAP. I huffed in frustration and started banging on the door. "JOSH YOU BETTER HURRY UP, AND DON'T YOU DARE USE ALL THE HOT WATER!" I heard chuckling from the other side, a sure fact that he heard me. I sighed and headed back to my room.

On the bright side I took a shower last night after he fell asleep. I went through my bags and picked out an outfit. First impressions do count at schools and in work, and its sad that people really are impressionable these days. You either fit in or you don't. But I'm left here wondering if I even want to fit in. At my old school I had been middle ground. People liked me but never really wanted to hang out. I had very few true friends that I could confide in, and it took forever to find those people.

I wouldn't exactly say I'm emo. Nor am I scene or goth or a loner. I'd like to say that I was me and there was nothing more to it, but there always was. People flocked like freaking birds. Emos with Emos. Scenes with Scenes. Goths with Goths. Preppy with Preppy. Jocks with Jocks. I could go on forever but I think I proved my point. High school was just like that. There was nothing anyone could do about it. Ever.


I had just finished getting my hair and makeup done when I heard the bathroom door open. I got up and went into the bathroom, but not before wacking Josh upside the head with my bathroom bag. He just shook his head and went into his room. A little disappointing I must admit, I was hoping for a fight. I am still mad at him of course, and any way to bug him is the way to go.

I sat my bathroom supplies on the sink counter and unzipped it, grabbed my toothbrush and toothpaste, splashed it in water, and brushed my teeth. I brushed them until I was positive they were squeaky clean. I hate a dirty mouth. My friends always joked that I should be on an Orbit Commercial. "Dirty mouth? Clean it up with Orbit." I whispered to myself while cracking a smile. I zipped my bag back up and walked back out. I grabbed my backpack and the car keys and headed out the door. Josh was right behind me apparently and got in the passenger side.

"Kat DeWitt, I think I might like it here in Rosemarie." He smiled at me as I shifted into gear and made my way down the road.

"Josh DeWitt, I think I might hate it here in Rosemarie." I glared at him.

"It's not my fault you had to go all super heroine on me babe, you're the Saint Mary here." He threw his back pack into the back seat and on his way back kissed me on the cheek. I suddenly swerved and parked on the side of the road.

"Are you trying to blow our freaking cover? You're my brother, I'm not your 'babe'! You do not kiss me anywhere, anytime. You stay completely brotherly. Got it? Good." I pulled it back into gear and finished making my way down to the school. The rest of the way there was silent. Thank God.

Josh's POV


"Are you trying to blow our freaking cover? You're my brother, I'm not your 'babe'! You do not kiss me anywhere, anytime. You stay completely brotherly. Got it? Good." She shifted back into gear and we were on our way. She was right though, I could blow our cover. I needed to stay brotherly if it were the last thing I did. I couldn't help it though. We had been dating for such a long time, almost 2 years, and I had to get someone's number and flirt. It didn't matter. That was the past, this is the present and probably the future.

We went up a steeper hill and a school came into view. Yes, I could waste my time describing this, but I won't. It's like any high school. The only difference is it was made of stone and pretty much looked like a damn medieval castle. Bet goths love it here. She quickly maneuvered into a parking place and turned the car off. She grabbed her back pack and headed out the car door. I did the same. As soon as the door was closed I turned around only to be faced by tons of kids staring.

Kat quickly made her way to my side and clung on for dear life. She hates attention. I nudged her forward and we made our way to the office. After about 20 thousand turns we got there. It was so easy to get lost in this place. By the time we had our schedules the bell had already rung. The attendance lady wrote us notes and personally showed us to our lockers where we could set up. Kat and I had the exact same schedules, breaks and all. She was kind of upset about that.

We threw our excess books into our lockers and started walking to room 320. Third floor room 20. We started our climb. "Kat, think of this as an adventure."

She gave me a sheepish grin and nodded, " Adventure... sounds fun. But still, this is just embarrassing." She grabbed my hand and squeezed, I squeezed back.

"It will be fun, we will make tons of friends. Besides everyone will love you. They always do Kat." She nodded. I could tell she was unconvienced. And boy was she right.

The first thing we saw when we entered the room was kids looking shocked. The first thing we heard was kids whispering about us. The first thing we felt was a cold gust of air. Well how nice. This paints such a warm and fuzzy picture. The teacher didn't even look up, he just waved us to some seats and told us to copy the board. Notes. Ugh how I hate notes.

Kat's POV

They were staring. They were whispering. This was a nightmare. The girls were giving me harsh glares, and the guys were practically devouring me. The teacher just waved us to our seats and told us to write notes. There was no lecture to drown myself in. There were no excuses to do anything buy hide behind my hair and write. I could still hear the girls and guys whisper and it was making me uncomfortable.

The guy next to me nudged me and I looked up. And boy was it a pretty site. He was possibly the cutest guy in the room, and he was smiling at me. I'm pretty sure I was blushing 5 shades of red. I have never been good at meeting people. "Hi" I murmured , not wanting to get in trouble with the teacher.

"Hey. What's your name?" He whispered to me.

"Huh?" I murmured.

He smiled, again. "¿Cómo te llamas?"

I smirked up at him. "Me llamo Kat. Kat DeWitt. ¿Y tú?"

"Me llamo Kale." His smile faded.

"Nice to meet you...Kale" He smiled again and we shook hands. Suddenly I was nudged in the side and I accidentally yelped causing the teacher to look up.

"IS THERE A PROBLEM?" Mr. Rowe said.

"No sir" I whispered, frightened. I think he sensed that because he had a look of smugness then sat back down. I turned towards Josh. "WHAT THE HECK?!" I whisper yelled.

He shook his head and wrote me a note. AFTER SCHOOL. WE TALK. It said. Joy. I looked back up at Kale only to find him scribbling his notes down, and then the bell rang. Dismissing us.

Kale = RYAN SHECKLER = Short hair (2009ish)

Kat = TAYLOR MOMSEN = Gossip Girl hair :3

Clearing that up.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2010 ⏰

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