Suicide poems (not for me)

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  • Dedicated to Nikki

Life has let you down

Seems there is nothing left

But a pistol against your head

And a rope 'round you neck

The solution to all your problems

Not the answers to your prayers

The only way out is death

 Cause nothing else matters

So many ways

In a mind so distraught

To destroy a life so young

Seldom with second thought

He will jump in front of a train

She will swallow a bottle of pills

It will take way their pain

It doesn't matter as long as it kills

Suicide is the game they play

She'll die tomorrow

He'll die today

Please listen to me

If your going to play that game

I was just like you

With a different name

Please put down that gun

And take that rope from your neck

Let that train go by

And put the pills back on the shelf

Think about the people

 You will leave behind

Standing over your casket

Crying and wondering why

They never had the chance

To help you through your pain

Knowing their life with you is over

Except for a stone that bears you name

There is so much more to life

Please trust me and you will see

It takes time to heal

I know because you are me

Please put that gun down

Take that rope from your neck

Let that train go by

And put the pills back on the shelf

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2013 ⏰

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