It was as if he was trying to apologize in some unspoken way, but she didn't want to hear it so she looked forward and ignored his stare.

The guards were leading them into a familiar tent, a tent that smelled of cinnamon.

"Welcome back." She heard several voices say. "It appears that you have chosen a most difficult path indeed Miss Raven."

"Domf, did you know this was going to happen?" Raven asked.

"We know only the possibilities that the future holds. Nothing is for certain until it's already happened." Domf said.

"Domf." A female voice called out from behind the three, "She is the Black Witch."

Domf nodded, "Yes."

"Why did you not warn the council of this. As the leaders of this group you are to-"

Domf held up a hand and cut the woman off.

"You did not ask us, therefore we did not answer."

"It doesn't matter! This Witch and this Beast are a threat to our village and forces! It is everyone's duty to protect our people and you allowed these creatures to enter here!"

"It was not we that were standing at the gate." Domf said, "and it is not these two whom are the threat to our people."

The woman scoffed.

"This monster just killed and injured several of our men. Men that we need to fight the demons. And THIS Witch," The woman pointed her finger at Raven accusingly, "This Witch is the cause of everything. She's the reason the Draeja have taken over! She's the reason we can't leave these caves without fear of the Voar eating us alive! She's the reason that city's have been taken over and turned into demon breeding grounds! We are all DYING because of her!" The woman yelled.

Domf slowly stood up and glared at the woman, "You are also forgetting that she is a queen."

The woman spat. "Ya the queen of the dead."

Another man finally stepped forward.

"That's enough Elora." He told the woman, "we need to come up with a plan, yelling at the seer will solve nothing."

The woman let out an annoyed sigh, "I say we just kill her and send her back to where she came."

"And that's not for you to decide on your own." The man told her.

The whole time Raven had her head held high and facing forward, ignoring the cruel remarks made by the woman.

Beast Boy however had his fist clenched in an attempt to keep from lashing out at the woman.

"Raven is the rightful queen." Domf announced to the intire tent. "Many of the creatures in the realm recognize her as the rightful ruler."

"So what? That doesn't change what she's done." The woman named Elora argued.

"We said before, these are not our enemies. They fight for the same cause as we."

Elora scoffed, "Excuse me, but this Witch doesn't fight for anyone but herself and we already know what this monster is capable of."

"Perhaps we should listen to Domf, Elora. It's like you said, we are all dying and at this rate our race will be destroyed by the mass number of demons being created." Another man from the council spoke up.

"Shut up Mark, you know nothing about this Witch." Elora spat at him.

"In a general sense I know a lot more than you, Elora." Mark told her as he stepped forward to stand his ground.

This I Promise (Beast Boy x Raven)Where stories live. Discover now