"Michael, this is your dream. You'll only be gone for some time and than be back in May. It'll be so quick, you won't even miss me." By now the previews were ending and the intro was starting.

"Yeah but, it's just I don't think I can handle that long without you.." He whispered.

"Let's make a deal. We'll try to call, Facetime, Skype everyday. You can write and than release the song if you miss me. Okay?" I whispered back up towards him.

"Okay. Prepare for some new songs than." He kissed my head and averted his attention towards the Tv.

1 hour in and I noticed that it was just about 4:30 but mum will walk in at 5:10 to check up so he has time. I looked up a little and saw that Michael had a smile on his face and was giggling to the movie. "Mikey?" I asked. Mike looked down at me and said a little 'yes?' "What are we? Friends with benefits? Best friends? I just want to know before you guys leave with London." I didn't know London was leaving with them until she told me when I picked her up from school.

"I don't know babe." He looked up at the ceiling, all focused.

"Well you call me babe a lot and you called me baby girl in your sleep once. I found it flattering." I snickered at his sudden change in color. "You talk in your sleep.... babe."

"What do you want us to be?" Mike looked back down at me, now curious.

"I don't know. I mean, it's obvious on how we feel." I shrugged making Michael chest go up and down as well.

"I'll tell you tomorrow, kitten." I hate him for calling me that. It's cute. I hate him.

"I call you kitten. Get it right next time. Also in a few minutes, when it turns 4:45, you should probably change into clothes for the day and I'll kick you out by 5." I giggled at Michael's sudden change in facial expressions. "Also change into for the day because we are going out since it is Saturday and than you are coming back here at 10 because mum would already be asleep and than you are going back to bed." I smiled at the plan for the day.

"Why does your mum sleep at 10 on a Saturday and why do I have to be here at 10 on a Saturday?" He asking, sticking his tongue out.

"Because if we have to wake up early than we should at least get some sleep and I'm punk rock so I fall asleep whenever I want to. Get on my level, chump!" I stood up on the bed and was now kneeling on the bed while Michael laughed his ass off.

"You're SOO punk rock Snow." He snickered again in a sarcastic way. "I know puppies more punk rock than you." He held his stomach.

"Calum doesn't count!" I pointed at him. "And I don't think it's that funny!" Michael kept laughing as my face kept growing redder.

"Aww punk rock Snow, your face is all red. SOOO PUNK ROCK!" He yelled making me tackle him, both of us falling off the bed so that he was on top of me, pinning down my hands above my head and I was underneath him.

"I guess your head doesn't hurt anymore." I looked away, under my bed, and said in a sarcastic manner.

"Like come on kitten, you tried to tackle me but I pinned you down on the ground and now we're going to stay like this." He leaned down and kissed me. That was going on for a while, (FINLEY) which basically led to his hands (lol hands) up my shirt and my hands tugging on his hair while his legs were on top of mine, holding them down.

Suddenly that all stopped when the door opened and Michael rolled under my bed, all quick like, leaving me to pull down my shirt and to fix my hair so it doesn't look like I just had sex (I DIDN'T) The light turned on and I slowly sat up from my place and tried to look as dead as I could. "I fell off my bed." I fake laughed.

"Oh Snow." Mum rolled her eyes and walked over to me, helping me up. "Go back to 'bed' and tell Michael to find a better hiding spot than under your bed hon." She looked under my bed and waved to Michael which he greeted back. Michael rolled out from under my bed and stood next to me.

"Uh, hi Mrs. Hughes. Nice to see you again." Michael said awkwardly making me let out a soft laugh.

"Hey Michael. Snow, it's fine that he's in here. You're 16 as long as you don't get pregnant than I'm all good." My eyes widened and Michael let out a cough mixed with a laugh. Mum let out a sigh. "I don't have to buy you two condoms do I?" (I'm hating myself and Fin right now but still write...)

"DEAR GOD NO!" I screamed making mum shoot me a glare. "Forgot not to wake up Kyle." I laughed, scratching the back of my neck. "He's leaving in like 10 days anyway." I shrugged as Michael wrapped an arm around me.

"Aw where are you going in 10 days darling?" She looked towards Michael.

"Oh, um, the band is going on a tour with um 1D and um we're leaving to um London with London in um 10 days." Michael stuttered a lot making me laugh at how awkward he was.

"Oh London is going as well. That's so sweet. Well I better get going, also Snow, Kyle and I are leaving in 2 days because the management needs me in Japan so I guess you're going to be by yourself for a few months." Mum walked up to me and kissed my head before walking out.

"Well, this took a turn for the worse." Michael turned towards me and frowned. "We're going to be away for just about 5 months, maybe even 6, it depends on what's going to happen, do you think you will be okay?" I stood in shock, not being able to move.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, I'll just hang out with Aliesha and.. Claire.. maybe. Did you tell your mum that you're leaving?" I asked him as we both sat down on the bed.

"Of course, totally. Why wouldn't I?" He laughed nervously. I shook my head at him.

"You didn't tell her did you?" Michael let out a little 'no' which now made me laugh. "Is your mum and dad in town?" I asked another question once again.

"Yeah they are, we could go see them later on today!" Michael smiled up at me.

"Or, I get the feeling that you didn't tell them anything about me, so you can go Michael, and I can hang out with Luke or Calum today, just to see them as well. Ashton is most likely going to be with Lon so yeah." I laughed, laying back onto the bed.

"But I want to hang out with you!" Michael pouted.

"We hang out at night and stuff, I would like to hang out with Luke and Cal sometimes." I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"Also I told my parents so much about you so like don't even start." He did a typical white girl accent. (A/N I'm white so I find this offensive. Lol no) "But fine you can hang out with the other peasants while I go and have fun with my parents." Michael stuck out his tongue, trying to make me jealous but failing.

"Well great than Mike. It's almost 5 so I'm guessing you will leave around 10 to see your parents since my mother already knows that you're in here." I laughed and laid back onto my bed.

"Now let's watch a bunch of Christmas movies!" He said excitedly and continued watching the movie while grabbing my waist and pulling me up so I was basically on top of him.

Christmas movies are great in February.



Tell me what you think pwease!

I'm gonna go and hang up band pictures.

Stay positive and I love you (The 2 people that read this)


Written By: Snow (duh) and Finley helped with the ideas and stuff

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