Chapter 3

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The bus was already driving away, so I had to run to catch up; he stops for me, and I walk inside. In the front rows are the geeks and nerds, checking their science projects, and talking about geometry. In the middle is the 'I want to be cool, so I keep looking back and trying to talk to the cool people' people. Last, the back seats, Ashley and Gregory, sitting together, all over each other like leaches that just found new blood. I take one step, and Ashley calls after me, "Dear, dear Delilah, how are you? I heard about your little boyfriend. I am reallllllly sorry," she was so sarcastic I just wanted to punch all those brunette curls out of her head. She fans me her way. I walk towards her, after all she is Ashley, if I ignore her, I don't know what will happen. 

Let me give you a little intro on Ashley and Gregory. Okay so, Ashley: Brunette, perfect height, big boobs, big butt, figure, everything a guy wants, and the girl every girl wants to hang out with just to seem cool. Than there is Gregory: tall, not so muscular, short messy black hair and follows Ashley everywhere. He will do anything to please her, anything.

"Yes Ashley?" I asked hesitantly.

"Sit with us," she purred.

"Uhm, okay?" I was confused, Ashley never talked to me, if anything, she hated me for all I know.

"Sit with me in class too?" She smiled, all her perfect, white teeth in a straight line.

I was going to say something, but I hear voices, I don't know exactly what they were saying but I did make out "crash".

"WHAT?!" I croaked...

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