chapter 1

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Jamie's POV
"Hey Jackson want me to order a pizza" I yelled down the hall to my best friend "yeah sure" he yelled back and I pulled out my phone seeing it was almost 1 am but I shrugged and called
I'm Jamie I'm 18 years old and I live in an apartment with my best friend Jackson I know its weird for me a girl to be living with my guy bestfriend but where completely professional
I called and ordered our usual which is cheese pizza with little sauce and thick crust and walk down the hall to his room and plop down onto the bed "what'd you get" he asked "the use" I say and he nods and I lay down with my elbows In his back and he groans and kicks me off his bed and I fall on the floor and he starts laughing "omg you jerk" I say "omggg u jerkkk" he says mocking me in a super girly voice and I cross my arms "you don't get any pizza" I say running out and he jumps up and chases me into the kitchen and I'm trapped and he starts walking towards me and all of a sudden the doorbell rings and I crawl under his arm and run to the door and open it and its the pizza guy and my eyes get big when I see he's super hot and he smirks "here's your pizza" he says and I see his eyes get big and Jackson grabs it and I turn and see he's only wearing underwear "Jackson.." I say and feel my face turn red from anger "I swear its not what it looks like" I say and he frowns "just pay me" he says annoyed and I hand him the money and he starts to walk off and I yell down the hall way "no please he's just my best friend" I say and he just keeps walking and I turn to Jackson "I seriously hate you" I say and he smiles and blows me a kiss and I walk over to the couch and turned on netflix and watched it till I fell asleep

I wake up to the sound of Jacksons snores and I sit up and grab my phone and see its 9am and I stand up and walk to my room and to my bathroom and turn on the shower I hop in and bathe

After about 20 mins I get out and wrap a towel around me and walk into my closet and grab some lightwash highwaisted shorts and a black croptop and my black sandals and and leave my hair in the messy bun I had it in and grabbed my shades and walked down the hall and into the kitchen and wrote a note
I walked out to my car and cranked it up and and pulled out the parking lot for our apartments and drove

Jacksons POV
I wake up and walk into the kitchen and dont see Jamie cooking and then see a note on the corner
Went out for some groceries and breakfast I'll be back as soon as I can
Love Jamie
I smile and walk to my room and text her
Me- well I knew you weren't here this morning cause I didn't smell smoke when I woke up
Jamie the painey- oh whatever you douche
She texted back and I laugh and check social media and stuff
Jamie's POV
I walk into dunkin doughnuts and get us coffee and doughnuts and and wait and the door opens and I turn and see him the pizza guy from last night my eyes get big and I turn my head and cover my face with my hand and then the lady says "order for jamie" and I turn and quickly walk over to her and grab them and rush out and as I push the door opens my coffees drop and I groan and feel all eyes on me and I turn around and see him staring at me and I smile slightly and he laughs and walks over to me and helps clean everything up "here come with me" he says walking up to the front "this lady dropped her coffee and deserves a new one" he says in a manly tone "well sir she dropped it so we can't really just give her a free one" the girl says and he rolls his eyes "I'll buy it for you" he says "no no its cool I'm fine" I say and he frowns "please its the least I can do for storming out on you like I did last night" he says and I smile "OK yeah sure" I say and he smiles "OK so get exactly what she had and add two doughnuts" he says and I laugh "for a pizza guy you sure do make some money" I say and he laughs "that's my part time job I also do YouTube" he says and I nod "nice" I say "I'm Cameron by the way" he says and I nod "I'm Jamie" I say and he nods back and then the lady hands me my coffee and he runs to the door and opens it for me and starts walking me to my car "so that guy where y'all really best friends" he says and I smile "yes 100% just friends we've been friends since freshman year of highschool and we decided to get an apartment together and he likes messing with me that's why he was dressed like that" I say and he laughs "oh well I'm sorry I had just had a really bad day so I was angry and then I saw you and then saw him so I just got mad" he said and I nod "I totally get it" I say and he smiles and I get to my car and he opens it for me "here" he says handing me his phone "put your number in" he says and I do and hand it back to him "I'll text you" he says and I nods and he closes my door and I pull out of the parking lot

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