chapter 2

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I was running late, as usual. I paid the fee to get in the dance and ran to the bathroom to meet Ali. As, I went to open the doors, the door whacks me in the forehead. "There you are! Ugh, I swear your slower than a turtle on molases. Now get in here!" Ali suddenly says and pulls me in. 

In a matter of minutes, I was stripped out of my clothes and a new dress was on me and makeup was smothered on my face. I looked in the mirror and I looked pretty. Not like the perfect beautiful I wish I could be, but a messy I-don't-care-how-I-look kinda thing. "Why the hell doesn't he like me?" I asked myself. 

When we walked in there, it was a slow song, so we crept to the back where the chairs were. We all burst out laughing when one of the nerdy guys falls trying to do a dance move. Kenna, my bff since preschool, came over to me and whispered in my ear, "Thats why they come to these things, to keep us entertained"

We walked over to the snacks and the drinks and bought mountain dew and a cupcake. I sat down on the stage as another slow song came on. I looked over to where Dillan sat with his friends. He looked me straight in the eye and I don't know what happened, but a tear rolled silently down my cheeck. He turned away slowly as I walked quitly out of the room and into the empty hallway. I was crying hard when someone tapped my shoulder. It was Ali. "Jess, you know he's not going to do a thing about it. You came here to have fun, not to cry about some dick who don't know right from wrong. Now, wipe your tears away and lets go dance!" I laughed at her stupidity, cleared my face, and went to dance.

We walked in to hear the song Katy Perry's Firework and started to dance. What seemed like in forever the song was over. Catching our breaths from all the jumping, we stayed in the middle of the dance floor. "Hey, Im gonna go find Kenna and get another pop." I said as I left Ali with some more friends. I walked over to Kenna and said, "Dude, lets get a pop, Im thirsty."

She looked at me and said, "Don't try to impress any gay guys with that smile." 


After we drank our pepsi, the dance was just getting over with and we all had to clean up. I walked over by Kyle, my best guy friend, and said, "If I wanted to clean up after a bunch of teenagers, I woulda  became a freaking maid." He laughed at me and patted my head so my hair was a little messed up. I hit him in the ribs and smoothed my hair down. 

I grabbed Ali and went to our locker we were sharing. We grabbed our coats and went outside. She hugged me tight and said, "Well, Im sorry that it wasn't the kinda dance you pictured in your mind. but if it helps, I still had a good time with you. But just rememb- oh sorry hun, I have to go now. Later, and dont cry!" I smiled as she ran to her moms car and almost trip. I looked down and started singing to myself. Someone tapped on my shoulder and I about jumped. Kally was standing there with a worried look in her eyes. 

"Hey, whats wrong, Jess?"

I look at her like no ones ever cared about that my whole life, "Its nothing, just- nothing" I say as i try to hold back tears.

She puts her hands on her hips and looks me in the eye. "I know somethings wrong. It's ok. But whoever he is, just dont worry, hes too stupid to realize how pretty you are" if only you knew, if only. 

"thanks, Kally. That really means a lot to me. " I smile and she gives me a small hug. About 3 seconds later, A screm tears open the night. A bunch of us look at each other with curious and scared eyes.  Kyle and Brennon, a nice guy who has major skills, start walking towards the door to go inside. Another scream, as if a terrifying howl, peirces the midnight sky. The two guys look at each other and run to the door and inside the darkened school. 

I stand there loking around for Dillan, which I dont see anywhere. I started hearing the people around me whisper and a few gasps, but I was so worried about Dillan that I barely heard them. All i could seem to do was stare in the black emptyness of the school. It seemed like hours, but finally I saw Kyle and Brennon running back to the door. I was to afraid of the words that I turned away and started walking to the road. The door burst open and I had to look back. With quik, panting breaths, the boys said, "Dillan... He was... taken by a... guy... in a car..." I didn't hear the rest as I fell to my knees and cried. JAke, who i didnt know was here, came over to me and pulled me into a tight, but loving hug. I looked over at Kyle and he took a long breath and just nodded. I couldn't believe what had happened. So in shock, I started to sway. My eyes blacked out and I fell into a nothingness despair. 

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