Chapter One: School Is A Drag

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    *Your POV*

       I stared blankly at Mr.Baker.  Why he was doing math in French class? I had no idea. Why was he teaching us stuff on the last day of school? Also something I don't know. I glanced over to my 'enemy' Cindy. She was texting... Wow, no wonder she gets D's in this class. I chuckled and returnedy attention to the teacher who was now rambling about his life. My attention drifted away once more, settling to the window. A bucket flashed in front of it and dissapeared as soon as I saw it. 'Guess it's the lack of sleep', I murmured to myself nearly inaudible. Nearly... "Ms.Clark would you like to share something with the class", Mr.Baker offered, sternness in his voice. I stood up slowly, in an attempt to show off, and replied, "I was just saying that two plus two doesn't equal Punctuation sir." He stared in my (E/C) eyes before turning away and continuing his conversation with the others. In triumph, I sag back down and grabbed my backpack. In another life, I wouldn't be sitting in the direct middle of the class. I wouldn't be in highschool wasting time. I could be in adavanced Art School, I could be in college... But no. On a day they should've just gotten rid of us, the teachers wanted to host a damn lunch in honor of our last year. Lunch was next period so I could see why everyone in the classroom was anxious to get out.  Mr.Baker finally started to notice the tension building in the room. I pulled out a pen and doodled the weird bucket on my arm. For about six minutes we were all doing whatever, Cindy texting God Knows Who, Allen clicking his boot heels against the soft ground, and me just drawing a bucket with a stick hanging out of its side. After I finished the drawing, the bell rang. Everyone jumped up, including our usually calm and collected teacher, and rushed out. All except me. Once the room cleared, I gathered my things and slowly approached the window. I looked down, up, left, right, straight ahead. Nothing. 'Knew it... Just a hallucination'I thought before rushing off into the hallway and down towards the Cafeteria. Disgusting fake meat, here I come.

*??????'s POV (We all know who this is)*

        TARDIS, don't fail me now. I twisted all the knobs and pressed a few black buttons before finally, we landed. "At'a girl", I cheered. I grabbed the sonic screw and my trenchcoat, rushing to the front of the door calling,"I'll be back", before running out. I was in someone's yard, present day. No. "No. No, no, no, not America.  They all have problems with the British oh no. Don't tell me this is Atlanta. Oh God, Atlanta GEORGIA?!" I sighed in frustration. America was not a terrible place but... Ugh. I pull out my SonicScrew Driver and begin walking. I hope I find out where this beeping is coming from. I very much like beeps. And zooms. I smiled at the thought of beeps and zooms and timeywimey sounds as I search for something. What it was, I don't know.

*Time Skip, Your POV*

         I stared blankly at the Blue Box in the yard. Had it always been there? I shrugged and turned to my birthday cake. Where should I cut it? It was decorated as a drawing of cute versions of my family. My family consisted of two little brothers, a mom, me, and my father. I smirked and cut the heads off of Jordyn and Jayden, my little twin brothers. They screamed in terror and Jordan yelled, "MOM SHE'S DECAPITATING US!!" I smiled as Father said, "Calm down. It's just a cake. I'm sure Vicky would never do that to you." I laughed and stood up approaching them with an evil grin. They screamed and ran off. For 16 year olds, they sure are wimps. I chuckled and sat back down, setting pieces of cake on everyone's plate. Just then out of the corner of my eye, a man walked straight out of the blue box. My mouth dropped. How did he survive that little cramped space for an hour?! I watched him as he carefully put a stick like object in his coat pocket. "Victoria? Are you ohkai", Mt mother asked. I shook my head and turned to my family saying, "Just fine! Just, really excited for the Movie Marathon we'll be watching tonight." Yeah, we were going to watch Little Shop Of Horrors the Movie tonight. I grew up in love with the show. Suddenly, as I was setting down the knife, A few knocks on the door startled the three of us. My brothers came back down the stairs curious as to who it was.
         I walked slowly to door and opened it slightly. Yeah, I don't ask who is it because that's a waste of time. The man was standing there with a blank sheet in his hands. Why? No clue. He smiled politely and leaned in saying cheerfully in a British accent, "Hello there! I'm a detective. Detective John Smith. I'd like to investigate the premises." I smiled and replied, "Hello, I'm Detective Clark. May I ask you a question?" "Sure but you just did there!" "Why are you holding up a blank card?" He turned it to face him and looked at me in thought. He chuckled and replied, "No reason. You've got icing on your finger there. Someone's birthday?" I opened the door wider and answered, "Yeah, Mine. Want to join the party. It's just me and my family." "My family and I... Sure chap." I giggled at his accent. He wore a navy blue suit with a red tie. He stepped in and looked at the ceilings. I grabbed his upper arm gently and said, "To the kitchen, Mr.Smith?" He laughed a bit and said, "Yeah, I can see the kitchen. Just call me the Doctor." I raised an eyebrow. The Doctor? And here I thought he was a random civilian wanting to join in to eat cake. We walked in the kitchen where my parents and brothers waited. I smiled and said,"This guy is...The Doctor. Said he wanted to search the house. I think he just wants cake though." Jordyn yelled happily as he approached the man for a hug,"I'M JORDYN. THIS IS MY BROTHER JAYDEN AND THAT'S MOM AND DAD. YOU CAN CALL THEM TERRI AND JOSHUA THOUGH, OHKAI, DOC?" The Doctor winced and nodded. Seems he wasn't accustomed to loud American teens. I smiled and quickly fixed him a plate. A the while, he was staring at the ceiling and walls. "Here Doc", I said handing him the plate. He waved it off and pulled out that stick thing. It looed pretty... Weird. I pulled out my blue pen and jotted it on my arm beside the Bucket. He glanced at my arm and asked,"What are you doing?" "Well", I said happily,"I'm drawing your stick thing on my arm so I can doodle it in my journal later." I pulled down the sleeve and smiled. He didn't see the bucket and my mom was being a pervert saying,"we'll let you two mingle. We have to go to Mrs.Dallen's house. With that they left.

*Third Person POV*

       Doctor rubbed his neck as he pointed his screw at multiple objects. Victoria asked him worriedly, "What are you doing there? You know, with the stick?" He nodded and pointed the SonicScrew driver dead at her saying,"It's a Sonic Screwdriver. I want it to beep. I really like beeps. Beeps and zooms. It's a timey-" Timeywimey? Was that what you were going  to say?" He stopped and aimed it at her arm where she had recent doodled his screw. "If you don't mind", he stated looking at Victoria's arm. She shrugged and he placed the screw in his chest pocket before grabbing her arm gently and pulling up your baggy sleeve. He observed the bucket numerously before muttering in anger, "Daleks. Why Daleks?" Victoria looked at his quizzical face and asked, "Excuse me, but what are Daleks?" He let her arm go and replied,"Whiney moving buckets. Don't touch them, don't be friendly. What's your name again, love?" Tori tilted your head and replied confused, "um... Victoria. Did you say moving buckets? You've got to be kidding." He grabbed her arm and drug her up the stairs asking, "Your name's too long. How about I just call you Tori. Tori, what a lovely name. Or Vicky. Or Vik- no, that's a male name. Ah, when did you see this dalek?" Victoria pulled away from him and stated angrily, "One, don't drag me around man. Two, who are you really? Three, What the fuck are daleks, some sort of alien? and four, What gives you the right to barge on in here and look around like you own thing house?" He shrugged and said simply, "I'm the Doctor. I'm not from around here. Daleks are dangerous aliens that plan to destroy and take over Earth and I'm here to stop that." You smirked and asked, "What Maka's you think you can stop a world invasion?" He smiled and winked replying happily,"Because I'm the Doctor.

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