The Sad Life of Tony Stark (Part 2)

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He had never felt so helpless.

He was craving again. The wolf wanted it's prey. The man needed a hit. He could feel his heart race in anticipation for a splif to rest on his perfect, rosebud lips. He twitched and squirmed at the thought of the smoke filling his lungs with delicious toxins.

No, he had promised Pepper that he would stop his addiction. Go cold turkey. Oh, but the frustration! Where was Pepper when he needed her? She kept him sane, she kept him on the straight and narrow
She supported him. He needed her now, more than ever.

Sinking to the ground, he began to shake, trembling as his thirst for drugs and more alcohol. It clawed at his throat, his brain conjuring images of beautiful, beautiful heroine or cannabis. He fumbled for his mobile. With shaking hands, he dialed Pepper's number. "Pick up, please. I need you here."

"Hi, sorry I can't pick up the phone right now. Please leave me a message after this tone."

Voicemail. No, he needed her! He could feel himself losing what was left of his calm exterior as he listened to the sound of Pepper's voice from the recorded message. "Pepper...Peps, I-." he broke down on the phone, pleading for her to see him. "I...I'm relapsing, I'm relapsing again and I don't think I'm going to last long. Please, please, Peps. I. Need. You!"

"Sir?" a voice suddenly stopped his weeping. He slowly looked up.
"Sir, please switch off the phone, please?"

He looked from the phone to the ceiling. Hesitantly, he ended the call.

If JAVIS could show facial expression, he would have smiled sadly at his master. His eyes would have been full of sorrow for him. Did she know he was craving again? "Were you calling Miss Potts again?"

"I need her."

"Sir, she's not coming back. She's gone for good this time. I'm so sorry."

Fresh tears formed in his reddening eyes. "No." he croaked. "How could she have left us, JARVIS? How could she leave me, she promised me that she would always be there for me. Now I have no one."

"You've got the Avengers, sir. They are your friends."

"I need her here, JARVIS. I can't block out the pain this time. I can't control my emotions. Drink them away like I usually do. She's too strong to be surpressed."

"I know, sir. Welcome to life. It's filled with emotion and pain. All you need to do is learn to move on. We all know how clever you are, sir, you'll get the balance right in no time." JARVIS paused.


"Yes, sir?"

"Call him. Call him, please. It's time."

Silence fell upon the room.

"Dialling...Steve Rogers."

The Sad Life of Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now