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"hey lani, i'm home!" sophia called cheerfully, stepping into the foyer of the small, quiet home she shared with her best friend.

she held a greasy brown bag containing mcdonald's fast food in her left hand and her keys to the apartment in her right.

there was no answer. whenever sophia brought takeout home kalani usually came running.

scrunching her nose, sophia called louder. kalani mightn't have heard her the first time.

"uh, kalani?" sophia tried yet again, slipping her shoes off and fully entering the home.

still no answer. sophia dropped the large bag of food on the ground and ran up the stairs.

"kalani?! where are you?" Sophia asked worriedly.

sophia's only reply was the sound of silence. she knew this meant that something was very wrong.

approaching kalani's bedroom, she swiftly opened the closed door.

sophia's jaw dropped at the scene that appeared in front of her. immediately bringing a hand to her mouth, she let a weak, tiny squeal escape her lips. tears blurred her vision as she took three shaky steps backwards.

kalani's immobile body was sprawled out on the ground, and what made sophia's stomach churn most was the gun laying in her dead best friend's hand.

a pool of blood circled around kalani's head, and sophia dashed over to her side. clutching her cold, frail hand, sophia sat and sobbed.

i an't believe she would do this to herself, sophia thought in despair.

finally letting go of kalani's hand, she stood up and rushed off to go get help.


  yay! i'm really excited to begin this.
           and yes, it's sophia lucia.

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