Pewds Chapter One

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Brooke (POV)

Everyday it feels like his hand is getting colder, like he's slowly getting closer to death.

It's been a week and Felix has yet to wake up from his coma. The crash was so intense he broke a couple ribs, a leg, his wrist, and he was sent into a coma from a hitting his head so hard on his steering wheel on impact.

Marzia's condition is much worse. They thought she was dead, but she was barely alive. Her spine was severely injured and they have put her in a very high tech hospital, so they can keep her barely alive while they try to save her, but her chances of survival are slim.

On weekends, one of the new workers Ms. Darby takes me to the hospital Felix is staying at, so I can see him.

Most of the time, he's just getting worse, but it hurts less to see him like this then not at all.

Everything is just so messed up, sometimes I've even wondered if my life would be better if Ruby and I never met Felix and Marzia.


I knew what it was like to be sad, but never have I felt such a deep emotional pain inside of me. I keep seeing her, in my dreams.

It almost feels like she's there, until I wake up and the burden of her death hits me back down onto the bed.

If Felix and Marzia weren't still alive, I probably would have joined them, but I know I can't.

I won't.

"Brooke, it's almost lunch time. Are you ready to go?" Ms. Darby asked me, placing her hand on my shoulder.

I exhaled slowly, then stood up. "I guess."

Taking one more look at Felix, I sighed and left. I don't think life could get shittier then this.

At this point, Lana's usual call per day from jail doesn't effect me. Even if there was anything she could do, it wouldn't effect me.

My life already is crumbling.

"Brooke, you should try sitting with the girls today at lunch. It's not good to eat alone in your room everyday", Ms. Darby said, a worried look on her face.

I just scoffed. "Why? So they can make me feel even worse by always pitying me for my lose? I don't need their pity!"

I didn't mean to come out so harsh, but ever since I lost Ruby, they did treat me like I needed their pity.

Always asking if I was ok -which I'm not- always asking is I need help, if I need them!

It's ok to be sorry, but it's almost like I'm a little kid to them.

"I just want you to have more friends. They're all worried about you." She said, looking back at me.

That's another thing. When it was just me and Ruby at the orphanage, no one gave squat about us, but now that she's dead they care!?

Caring about someone after they're not here anymore? It means nothing!

You can't start caring once they're gone! If you never liked them alive, you can't like them now!

I just shook my head.

"They should be worried. Worried that Ruby will haunt their asses." I mumbled.

Luckily Ms. Darby didn't hear me, I didn't mean to really say that, but my emotions have been completely out of whack!

When we finally go back to the orphanage it looked like there was a couple looking around as the girls were coming down for lunch.

The second the door opened, they couple looked at me and smiled. "What's your name?" The wife asked.

Of course I wasn't interested.

"My name is 'Not a chance!'" I laughed, turning away from them.

I could hear Ms. Darby apologize for my behavior, explaining my business to them.

I saw the table with food on it, swiped and apple and went upstairs. With all the girls downstairs, I could have the new T.V installed for them all to myself.

The shows are mostly educational, but I've eventually figured out what channel is Disney and Cartoon Network.

I just have to make sure to change it back to the news every time I get off.

I grabbed the remote and turned on the T.V, switching the channel from The New's "Breaking News" to Disney.

The only show on right now was one I have never watched before but I wasn't going to complain.

Complaining doesn't do anything if you won't gain anything in the end. All it does is make you look like a brat.

I took another bite if my apple and sat back, relaxing for a while, but after about an hour I could hear footsteps coming towards the door.

I threw the apple core at the trash can, hitting the rim yet somehow bouncing it in, and grabbed the t.v remote.

I quickly switched it back to the news channel and was about to shut it off when the caption on the screen caught my eye.

Up next, breaking news at local prison.

I shook my head, knowing it was nothing, but before I could shut it off Ms. Darby walked in.

"Lunch and the adoption are done, so we're letting the girls go outside in the back for a bit. You should join, you need to get out for more then just your visits to the hospital." She said, closing the door.

I wasn't very interested, they just play dumb games like zombie tag and freeze tag, so I just kept a blank look on my face.

"Well if you aren't going outside at least watch some educational channels for once, you act like I don't know you watch cartoons instead!" She said sternly, shocking me.

Of course she knew and she didn't tell me.

"Fine." I sighed, sitting on my bed in defeat.

She smiled, "Just in case, I'll watch with you!"

She plopped down next to me and turned towards the T.V.

"Breaking news, recently trailed and arrested prisoner has just escaped prison."

"I remember when the news actually talked about good things and not just the bad things. Yesterday all they talked about was shootings all day!" Ms. Darby said.

I wasn't really paying attention to her, at this point my eyes were locked onto the screen and I couldn't take them off.

She saw me staring, jaw dropped and eyes wide as they put up a picture of the escaped criminal.


(A/N: Y'all I need the one hundred percent truth! What did y'all think if this chapter? Anything you hated? Anything you REALLY liked? If this plot sucks! Trust me it won't hurt my feelings, but I can't continue without 100% truth! I'll probably post the next chapter after I get a few of yall's advice, so if you are enjoying it I'm shocked, but stay tuned!! <3 ~Majestic)

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