Heart on fire

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I get interrupted yet again. What is up with people not letting me finish. My best friend Alicia grabs me and pulls me toward the door that leads to the football field at the same time I stick up my middle finger towards Bryant. As Alicia was taking me outside I was thinking if this is another pep talk to her since she is really self conscious about her body. Yet she is perfect. Her brown hair curly hair, her eyes that twinkle every time even in the darkest times, her smile so precious that cheers me up every time I see it, and lastly her body she is an hourglass figure. I say it's really pretty but since she sees those skinny ass girls she feels fat. Society.
"Liliara, I need to talk to talk to you."
She says with her head down
"Sure, what's up?"
"Well....my..umm..parents....are...moving to... New York."
"Wait what? No please don't go you're the only person I have in this living hell of a school."
I say as a tear was almost about to fall but Alicia wipes it off.
"I know I know I just barley found out yesterday while I was eating dinner last night."
"Ok but, When are you leaving and why?"
"In 2 days and because my dad was offered another job."
Mr. Vermeer is a businessman so I wasn't as surprised.
"Uuuugggghhhhhh, why does life have to hit me so harsh."
"Don't worry best friend we'll still FaceTime as usual and in the summer I can fly here to meet you."
She says with a slight grin
"But it won't be the same but at least that's something than nothing.."
I force myself to smile but I fail
"Aww com'on where is that happy Liliara hiding. I know she's in there somewhere."
"She's gone."
"Not for long!"
Alicia says while tickling me and I burst out laughing since she knows my ticklish spot. She is the only one who knows it.
"HAHAHAHA! Ok stop! Hahahaha! Please I need air!"
"Haha there she is, now let's go to my house!"

Short chapter but it's ok because so much more will be happening to Liliara and Bryant😜🙈

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