Chapter 3

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September 2, 2016

Sometimes, sadly, you can only find out who your real friends are when your in a bad situation and you can't get yourself out of it. There are many different types of people in this situation. One type is the faking type. These kinds of people will see exactly what is happening to you and they stand and watch, then later they say they didn't see anything happen. Secend type, the bad friend. Now this person is just weird and hard to understand. These people will see exactly what happens, like the first type, but instead of lying they just say something stupid like "Oh well, I didn't want to get involved" or "well, I didn't want the person to do the same thing to me". Third type, the shit friend. They will see the whole situation but they don't step in. They just watch and try to make you feel better after like they are you best friend. Then theres the best friend, or good friend. They will see it happen and will step in and help. They will bitch the person out for hurting their friend and wouldn't let anything happen to them and will always be there for them.

Its a shame that I don't have any best friends. Everyone just pretends like I don't exist, like I'm a ghost or world hunger. They are there but people just ignore it.

One of the worst things is that when people are sad they either push everyone away, a.k.a me, or they ask for help. Thats how I lost most of my friends. I tried to tell them my problems but they just thought I was too messed up and left.

When the second day of school came and I had to get ready, I didn't want to. I just unplugged my clock and laid there for about 10 minutes before Francis came in and screamed at me to get up. I forgot my mum had to work the morning shift for the next couple days. He began to shake me, thinking I was still asleep.

"I'm awake!" I yell into my pillow and sit up.

"Well?" He screams into my face. I swing my legs off the bed and walk to my closet.

"I'm going." I tell him, yawning from lack of sleep the last few nights. When he didn't leave, I turned to face him. "What?" I question him as he just stares at me. "Are you going to leave so I can get changed, or are you just gonna stand there like a fucking statue and watch me?" I ask as I turn to the closet and grab some clothes for the day. When I hear footsteps approach, I turn around and stare at him as pure rage covers his face. I see his hand pull back, and before I can react, it connects with the side of my face, causing my head to fly sideways. I drop the clothes in my hand and grab onto the side of my face.

"Your mother isn't here, so right now I am giving orders and you are going to do as I say. Get your fat ass ready and be downstairs in five minutes." He shouts at me then walks out and closes the door. A tear falls out of my eye and down my face. I quickly wipe it away and change into some clothes then put my hair in a messy. I look around for my converse but don't see them. They must be downstairs. Maybe if I walk to school then I can save myself from the embarrassment of anyone seeing him yell at me.

I run down the stairs and slide my shoes on.

"Do you want an apple?" He shouts from the kitchen as I grab my bag.

"No." I yell back and unlock the door.

"Where do you think your going?" Francis asks, grabbing my shoulder so I look at his face.

"I'm walking to school." I say going to the back door. But he closes it in front of me.

"I'm sorry. Is that what you want to hear?" He asks. I don't answer but rather just stare at the counter to avoid his eyes. He grabs my chin to look at my face but I pulled away. "You're a very beautiful girl but you have to learn to do what your suppose to do." He tells me as I slip my chin out of his hand. "You go put some of your mothers makeup on to cover that and I will grab you a change of clothes. Then we'll leave." He says and I look up at him.

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