Someone from the Past

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       It had been a few days since the incident, and within those few days she called and texted me multiple times, heck, she even tried to come to my house, but I told my dad that I didn't know her, and to tell her that she had the wrong house. Since my dad didn't know her either, I got away with that.

After that she didn't show her face at my door again, but continued to call and text me. I spent some nights at my friend Sydney's house, I had known her for 15 years of my life. She held every secret I've ever told her, and I trusted that she wouldn't tell anyone, so I told her about Brooklynn.

She was all like:

"Ewwwwww, gross, does she know that you're 100% straight."

I hadn't told Sydney about one secret though, and I know if I told her now it would break her poor little heart. I didn't think I was 100% straight, more like 75%, but I could never tell her that, out of fear that she might not want to be my friend anymore.

I continued to hang out with Sydney. We watched our favorite movies, and ate all of our favorite foods, gossiped,colored, and drew. We shared similar interest, yet somehow we were so different.

"NATE!!!!!" Sydney screamed in my ear.

"Owwwwww, what the hell was that for?!" I yelled back while holding my now damaged ear.

"I asked you a question, but you were off in your own head talking about: 'I don't want to hurt her feelings.' You barley even know her."

I turned red from embarrassment ; being accused of saying something I wasn't trying to out loud: 'Little did she know that I was talking about her, and not Brooklynn.'

A Few Days Later

I was sitting on the beach, (my own stupid mistake) I laid there contemplating whether or not I should do something about Brooklynn. I stared up at the sky and looked at the clouds trying to make something of them. I saw a few bunnies, dogs, snakes, and baby bears. I loved the peace and quite out here, hearing nothing but the waves of the water coming to the shore and splashing up against the rocks. The ocean was so beautiful, mixed with colors of light blues, and translucent greens, it was like you could almost see the ocean floor.

My peace was disturbed by the snap of a twig from a gorgeous tree near by, and the sound scared the crap out of me, because knowing me I'm a scaredy cat. I looked towards the sound, but I couldn't see the face of the person, because the sun was in my eyes.(yeah, that's right, I wasn't wearing any sunglasses, but I was wearing my new mint green bikini I bought, that my dad nearly disapproved of when I came home and put it on.)
Then there was a voice, and I didn't recognize it at first, but when I did I stood up and ran towards it.

"Holy shit, is that who I think it is? Is that you 'Little Nate'( my nickname from childhood years)?

"In the flesh, Tanner, what are you doing here?!" I said as I jumped into his arms.

Brief Description of Tanner:

Shoulder length, wavy brown hair, spring grass green eyes, and stood at 6'1" ( compared to my 5'3/4", he was a big guy.) , he was amazingly beautiful, and built. So built in fact, he has an 8 pack instead of a 6 pack. He could have been a model, but since he was like the smartest person I knew, he wanted to become a lawyer ( he is defying all stereotypes of those idiot jocks that are hot, but treat girls like crap, he's the opposite, and isn't afraid to admit it.). I believed that he would be able to become a lawyer.

Sorry, I'm rambling on about Tanner. I bet you want to know who he is, how old he is ,and how I know him. Well, I'll save that for later.


"How long has it been since the last time I saw you?" Tanner asked me.

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