His Butler: Able

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I couldn't believe that stupid William would leave me to watch over my own father. Gah, stupid. Well, I guess being half demon and half reaper it kinda works. William killed my mother when I was born, so I was alone with my dad and those annoying ass reapers who think they're better than everyone (will). Sighing, I watched my father tend to his 'mistress' Madam Red. Soon I jumped down and crossed my arms, standing next to my father. He was such an idiot to be here like this. Especially when it was with her. That Madam Red woman.

"I knew you were there my darling!~" I rolled my eyes and slapped his hand away when he tried to pinch my cheek. Then I looked at Madam Red. She was beautiful, her hair not to dark but not to bright, her eyes a perfect shade of blood red. Her complexion pale, but not too pale. I wanted to be like her so bad, but I couldn't. I could never be like a human. I wanted to hug her and call her my mom, like I never had the chance to do. It would never happen though, she would never accept a hybrid like me as her child.

"Well? What do you want dear?" She asked, standing up and setting her hands on my shoulders. I felt tears rim up, but I held them back as I looked at her. "I am here...on official business." I managed out the words, and felt the woman pull me into a hug. "It's alright to cry dear. Grell told me about your mum and I know it must be truly hard for someone of your species." I felt tears roll down my face as I sniffled, and let her wipe off the tears. I looked away, and excused myself so I could compose myself yet again.

Then I heard His voice, and peeked out. It was a young male earl with his butler, but that butler was a demon. I looked at my clothes and then sighed. I changed into a nice dark red dress, and put my hair in a braid. I walked out after fixing my glasses. "Madam, thank you- oh, this must be you nephew you talked so much about during breakfast today isn't it?" I felt like an idiot. He was the Queen's guard dog. I stood by Madam Red and smiled up at her, to which she smiled back. "This is Raven, I found her out alone on the streets and took her in. She's been a wonderful guest."

This made me blush, and I looked down at the Earl walked over and held out his hand, a small smile on his face. "Pleasure to meet you Raven. I am Earl Ciel Phantomhive of the Phantomhive manor." I shook his hand, and smiled. Then his butler came over and bowed. "I am his butler, Sebastian Michaelis." I smiled and nodded. Then father came walking over and stood next to me. I let Madam introduce him, damn this was boring. "So, shall we have lunch prepared then at my manor. We had come to pick you up after all. But it looks like you'll be bringing a few guests as well."

Later than evening

"We really should be going Madam, it's awfully late and its most dangerous in the dark." I sat next to the woman in red, watching her play chess with her nephew. She loved him so much, he was the only thing she had left after all. I noticed my father standing nervously by the wall, his eyes on Sebastian who was bringing in tea. Madam noticed how late it was and smiled. "Yes, I suppose we should. Ciel darling would you mind us suspending the game until tomorrow?" Ciel smirked. "Not at all Madam. After all, ladies do need they're rest. Raven however could stay at my manor for the night."

I looked at Madam Red who was staring at Ciel. I looked at Ciel and smiled softly. "I would love to..but you see I have very bad nightmares and would have to sleep next to someone, so it would be much better for me to stay with Madam. Thank you however for the offer Earl Phantomhive." He chuckled. "Just call me Ciel." I nodded, and soon our carriage was off. "You have nightmares?" I sighed. "It worked so get off my ass." I looked out the window and let loose my red curls. I sighed, my outfit back to normal.

There is something off about that estate...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2016 ⏰

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