bye hawaii

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"Luka and John! bring the bags in the plane" aunt Lauren called

"move your buts!" jared ordered when he noticed that the twins are not following aunt Lauren

I sat quietly in the private plane with my shades and earphones on.

I waited for them in the car mark was already beside playing crossword I guess

" wanna help me Olivia?" Mark asked as he scratched out another word "nah I'm good" he smiled

then few minutes, they all went in and up we go. back to Georgia Alaska

while going back most of them was asleep. except for Luke and Jared

they were sitting at the back. the private plane have 12 seats, 2 seats in each column

I took a peek and they were sitting beside each other and whispering in hush voices

Since I have the window seat, I moved the small curtain in the window and realized that it was already night time, to make sure I looked at my watch too.

I stood and went at the edge of the plane to get water.

"thirsty at night?' Luke said at my back. of course I recognize his voice

"yeah, I think I am" I smiled at him and gulp mouthful of water. My eyes shifted where all of them were asleep

"why are you still awake?" Luke asked as he dug in the ref looking for a drink

"why are you still awake?" I asked as he turned to me "umm red bull? really huh" I said

"don't want to sleep" he said weakly

"can't sleep. big difference" I said and walked back to my seat

I was seated next to no one so obviously the seat next to me was empty

he sat beside me of course

" I think I should let you sleep" he nodded agreeing to his comment

"I don't know, nightmares invite themselves in my head" I said looking down

I sighed and waited for his response. I look out the window looking at the dark view. It was very quiet. I could even hear Uncle Brooklyn snoring 4 seats away. I turned my head and Luke was still looking at .he inch closer to me and held my face. then the next thing I knew he was kissing me

and I kissed him back for once and pulled away slapping my jaw for the awful mistake I did

we kissed

we kissed

we kissed

It keeps on ringing on my head

"I'm sorry If I did it" he apologetically said

I didn't dare looking at him not even saying something

"I'm so sorry please say something" he said pleading me

"it was......... unexpected" I finally said

"yeah I know, but you like me too right? cause you kissed me back"  he smiled

" umm I don't know... it's confusing" I said

"confused?" he guessed 

I yawned

"maybe you should sleep" he said and stood up and went to his seat

Confusing, I like him but something's wrong

"Via? wakey wakey eggs and bakey" uncle Brooklyn rhymed in my ears

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