Reunited (2)

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That's JanelleNiccolls up there and she plays herself in the story.

*Julia's POV*
I was standing in front of. THE. BEST. HOUSE. EVER. (Imagine the house how ever u want)

"Hey I really like your house guys!" A familiar voice said.

I turned around and saw my best girl friend. She moved away 5 years ago.

I gasped and tackled her to the ground.
"Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!! What are you doing here???" I asked.

"I live next door!!" She giggled.

"No fucking way!!!" I yelled.

"Is that why you were smirking at me in the car?" I turned around to ask Cam.

"No but you'll find out soon." He said smirking yet once again.

"Okay..." I said.
"Ugh that was too much." I groaned falling back into my bed. We just finished unpacking.

"I know!" Janelle added.

"So you still gotta crush on my brother?" I asked smirking.

"Maybe." She answered blushing.

"Well anyway I'll be back I need to go wash my clothes because I ain't wearing clothes that smell like boxes!" I exclaimed.

"Yea. You go do that." Janelle said.

I grabbed all my clothes and went to the laundry room.

I put on my music and "Out My Mind" by Kalin and Myles, and I stared singing along.

okay stop, drop, roll you hips
I just wanna see if you can handle it
now lean front, back, side to side
take it down low and pick it back up high
okay work, work, work it out
make that thing go north to south
throw it back, back, just like that
wait, stop
now make it clap, come on'

I finished singing my favourite part. But I still kept singing the rest.

"Good singing!" I heard an all too familiar voice from behind me after I finished the song.

*Nash's POV*

I was sitting on the couch with Cam. I am so happy him and his family moved back to North Carolina.

"Hey Cam dinners ready. Oh hey Nash would you like to stay?" Gina (cam's mom) asked me.

"Yea sure." I answered.

"Hey Nash would you mind getting Julia for me?" Cam asked while raising his eyebrows and smirking.

"Yea sure." I answered. I've always had a crush on her and I was going to tell her. But then my family had to move and I haven't seen her in 5 years.

The closer I got to the laundry room, the louder the music and her singing became.

She had a beautiful voice. When she finished her song I decided to speak up.

"Good singing!" I said.

She gasped and turned around.
When she saw me she ran into my arms and gave me on of her big ole special bear hugs.

"Why are you here?!?" She asked clearly excited I was here.

"Well I live next door!" I answered.

"No ducking way!" She replied
"My best friend lives one side of my house. And my crush lives on the other side." She said the last part in a whisper but I still heard it.

"And guess what! Our rooms are right next to each other (like the Windows. You know what I mean) !!" I said too happy.

"Yesssss!!!!" She yelled

"Oops." She whispered

"Anyway it's time for dinner!" I said

And with that we went to the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2016 ⏰

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