Ch. 2: All The Pretty People

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I rushed past him as quickly as I could, tripping in my high heeled shoes. I realized I have never looked less elegant in my life, but I did not really care. I just wanted to get away and never see anything that reminded me of Ruby again. It will be less painful that way.

I was about to leave the building to catch a taxi when I bumped into my mom. The diamonds in her necklace were shining so brightly they made my eyes hurt.

"Where are you going, sweetie?", she cooed, grabbing my shoulder. "You are not leaving, are you? The auction starts in twenty minutes. You haven't even met all the nice people! There is Sir Florian Boyd over there with his son David - he's your age, I have told you - and Mrs Horowitz and Mr Green..."

I rolled my eyes but she did not seem to notice that. "Mom, please...Let me go. I can't take it anymore! I am so sick..."

"Well, if you had some respect for Aunt Ruby, you would not act like that!" she said, her eyes narrowing. "You are making me so sad, Nita. You've grown up so ungrateful for everything our family has done for you..."

"Mom, for gooodness's sake!" I tried to shake her hand off my shoulder. "I need to be alone!"

"I am sorry, honey, but it's not gonna' happen today," her tone of voice was cold. "You came here with us and you will leave with us as well. It's not your birthday party."

I was so annoyed at being spoken to like that that I couldn't help stumping my foot. "I will go and you are not going to do anything about it! I don't wanna' see you sell my great aunt! Money, money! You just want money! You never think of anything else!"

"What is going on here?" My dad's voice spoke. He was hurrying across the hall, the heels of his shoes clattering a bit. "All these screams! Do you understand where you are?" he lowered his voice. "Come on, let's go and take a seat. Emma is already there talking to Prince Romanov!"

This was so typical of my parents. They have always loved my little sister more because she was way more willing to talk to creepy old Russian guys than I was.

"Isn't he dead? Shot by the bolsheviks?"

"Oh dear, Nita, it's not time for that!" I could understand my dad was being serious. His brows furrowed in concentration. "He is only thirty-two and he is here hoping to purchase the Rossetti painting that Mr Hughes put up for auction. Let's go now, we don't want to be late!"

I threw the last glance at the doors. There was no way I could escape without my parents noticing, and if they noticed, they would kick me out of the house. I did not need that.

"Hey, why is your make-up smudged?" my sister Emma whispered when I took a seat next to her. "Have you already found...somebody?"

Her words made me think about the blonde young man who had asked about the box. Apparently these thoughts made me blush because Emma could not suppress a giggle.
"Aww! Who is he? What about Eric?"

I felt something prickle my eyes. I did not want to break down in tears in front of everyone. I knew I was being watched. Every word, every gesture, every facial expression could cause gossip.

"Nita! What happened?!" I heard Emma hiss at me. I love my sister. She can be so understanding sometimes.

"It's okay. I will tell you later," I mouthed. With either our parents or our nanny watching us all the time, Emma and I had mastered the art of reading each other's lips when we still were little children.

I stopped talking right in time for the man in a tuxedo to appear on the stage. I turned my head and studied the guests. Everybody was dressed up in evening gowns and tuxedos. Even Emma was wearing a long silk dress I had never seen on her before. I realized that part of the looks I received today might be explained by the fact I was wearing dress pants and a blouse.

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