Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning feeling great, something was just feeling great. I went downstairs prepared to start on breakfast. Making sure Landon was sound asleep, I tiptoed down the stairs into the kitchen.

While I waited for the biscuits to bake I sat down at the table, looking around for my letter from Tre. I got up, looking all around. I walked into the living room, I checked the table and all the places near there. I know I left it on the kitchen table.

When I turned around, Landon was standing there watching me. I knew for a fact I wouldn't get used to him sneaking up on me.

What you looking for?" He asked skeptically.

"I was looki--." He cut me off looking slightly aggitated.

"The letter from Trenaine." He stated, more than asking.

"Yeah. You seen it?" I asked, he hated when I took or went through his personal mail, quite frankly, I was feeling the same type of way.

"I threw it away. He all the way in Texas, we in New York baby. He's not your man, I am. He don't need to send you shit, we left him in Dallas for a reason." He stated, matter of factly.

I looked at him like he was out his damn mind, walking back into the kitchen, I went to the trash can. I opened it up, and sure enough, the letter was in there under some plastic. I reached down, picking it up, and dusting it off, thanking God nothing was on it that damaged it.

"I put it in the trash for a reason." He hissed, snatching the envelope back.

"Hey, I don't know what you think yo damn problem is, but this ain't it! If it was, it ain't what you want, understand?!" I yelled, snatching it back.

"I don't know why you so worried bout what Tremaine got to say! You can't be under him forever, seem like you put more time in y'all relationship then you do ours!" He yelled back.

He stared at me for a few moments. Shaking his head, he walked away, leaving me there feeling bad. I had no idea he felt that way, but damn I left my bestfriend back in Texas, coming to New York for him. I married him, I go to bed with him, I'm fucking him, and he mad cause my bestfriend sent me a letter? I can't deal. I knew that sooner or later I was gone slowly have to turn me and Tre's friendship down a few notches.

It's not good to pursue a friendship as strong as ours, if I'm married, to someone who isn't him. Not that I don't love Tremaine, but our friendship is a brother/sister bond, hell we tighter than that, but my husband doesn't appreciate or accept our closeness. I'm in love with Landon, I'm also in love with Tremaine but it's two different loves.

Some things I get from Landon, I don't get from Tre, that's the romantic love. Most things I get from Tre, I can't get from Landon because it feels more comfortable with Tre, he was here first, such as him being my bestfriend, Landon can't do that for me simply because Tremaine does and always has. I can't and won't tell Landon half the stuff, Tremaine knows.

"Baby, I'm sorry, but you need to trust me, I'm your wife. You need to let that jealousy go." I said, following Landon to the couch.

He looked mildly hurt, maybe upset. I say down next to him and pulled him by his arms so that he was laying in my lap. He looked up at me, I felt my heart melting at those big brown eyes.

"I know Ti, you right, I'm sorry for overreacting." He whispered, I raked my fingers through his head tenderly, he closed his eyes, enjoying the feel.

"Let me go get the biscuits." I said when I smelled the food from the living room, and owe they was smelling just right too. He sat up, letting me move from under him.

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